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MMA Hype signs undisclosed deal with Ascension

Editorial by James Listerman

That’s right tycooners, MMA Hype has been in negotiation with Ascension in the past days, and they finally came to terms a few hours ago.

MMA Hype recently bought a studio in Los Angeles, where they hosted Ascension’s LHW tournament’s Press Conference, on Monday night. Rumors started to flow around that a possible partnership was to be made between them, but nothing really came concrete about it.

Earlier today, James Listerman, MMA Hype’s CEO, addressed the medias about Ascension’s offer. “They (Ascension) gave us the opportunity to host a press conference and we were glad to do it. I sat down with Luan (Ascension’s CEO) and we discussed about a possible partnership between us. That’s all I can say for now”.

Listerman confirmed later on Twitter that the deal was done, and that MMA Hype was officially in charge of the future press conferences of Ascension’s events.

The MMA Hype team wanted to let the fans know that they will keep doing what they currently do, this means that the fighter interviews will still happen, and nothing will change. Brett and Jared will always be there for you all, you can count on them!


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