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Xtreme K1 Combat Press Release

New Age Cage Fighting, Fight Organization, London
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Steel Penns Xtreme K1 Combat has blown onto the scene in 2013 and plans on dominating it in 2014!! After being set up in November by relatively new manager AaronThaiGuy a lot of people were spectacle of what they could achieve and how long they’d actually last and although it’s only been a short time this rookie manager has shot down everyone’s views by building a solid foundation for an organisation that looks like its heading only one place.... TO THE TOP!

Having had 2 events and with 70+ fighters under their belts that are quickly becoming one of the biggest KT organisations in the game and really are making a name for the KT industry within Steel Penns Xtreme K1 Combat.

At a recent press conference here is how Aaron had to speak about XKC...

Steve (Interviewer): Hello Aaron, although it’s only been short how have you found your time running Steel Penns Xtreme K1 Combat?

Aaron: It’s been pretty amazing, I mean don’t get me wrong there’s been some hair pulling moments in the process and some real stressful times but in the end it’s all worth it when those fighters go out there and do us proud.

Steve: Yeah I bet it has, how do you feel your events have gone so far?

Aaron: I’m very happy with how they have gone to be honest with you. Although the first didn’t quite fill the bill we still had some excellent fights and a card full of KO’s!! So far both events have been part of the Super Heavyweight Showdown which has been amazing to run and has been real fun! The fighters have really let it all out for that winners spot!

Steve: Ah yes the 8 man tournament, Tobin frost and Dietrich Jager will battle it out in the final, do you have any ideas upon who will win?

Aaron: Listen, these two guys are warriors! Both have just turned pro and have smashed their way to the final! They both deserve the winners spot but unfortunately that can’t happen! The only thing that I have to say is don’t miss that fight! You’ll regret it that’s for sure!

Steve: What has been one of the hardest things about running XKC?

Aaron: Probably the fact we are a KT organisation only, it’s really restricted the amount of fighters we have been able to sign but I feel we will soon start changing managers views towards KT and getting more KT fighters in the game. Anyway we will have to leave the interview at this, I have something’s to attend before XKC1 tonight!


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