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Chekhov the fighter: Uriah Faber reincarnated

Fighter profile of Anton Chekhov by Aylib 2.0

 Cinderalla Helwani: Anton, you seem to be acquiring a reputation that is similar to that of Uriah Faber--fighting for the belt, coming oh so close, however, always coming up short...

A. C.: wow, that is...a blunt way of putting it. I mean, yeah, you're right, that's the bitter truth--I have faced champions, and I let it go to the judges...so far, it hasn't panned out the way I wanted it.


Cinderella Helwani: What do you attribute those close calls against you; better yet, what do you think stands between you end the belt?


A.C.: I am beginning to doubt my camp a bit; you know, it seems my strategies have been lacking heading into these championship bouts. I might consider switching camps, getting someone with more knowledge and experience behind me. Ilya Berler seems to be a good coach, however, not the one to have the answer for me. We shall see.


Cinderella Helwani: What does that mean, what is next for you, what are your plans for the future?


A.C. I don't know. I am at the crossroads. I have to go home and chill out for a bit. I am disappointed. I got to go.


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