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Torrance hoping for career resurgence in Immortals NY

Fighter profile of Jack Torrance by Low Key

                                                       JACK TORRANCE SIGNS WITH IMMORTALS NY

16 December 2013



Jack Torrance has his new home.

Torrance (17-17 MMA), who recently changed management and coaching staff has signed with one of the top organisations in the world, Immortals NY. The promotion recently announced Torrance's signing.

One of the most talented free agents in MMA, it was believed that Torrance would either sign with Immortals NY (21st) or Ontario Fighting Championship (38th). It was finally revealed today in the press release that he would join Immortals New York in a lucrative 5 fight deal.

Torrance, a renowned boxer in the Canadian fighting scene, most recently fought in December, when he lost to Jet Li by split decision at AD173. He fulfilled his last fight of his contract in his second-sting in Aggressive Damage, where he had a disappointing run of 0-4, losing three by decision and one by strikes. Previous to AD, he fought four times with HMFL and in his first stint, twenty-one times with AD.

Torrance's first Immortals fight has not yet been announced, however Torrance, in a recent interviewed expressed interest in having a fight with either Von Hammer or Artur Grygiel. Torrence is currently recovering from a rib injury, and is expected to make his debut in early January.


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