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The Four Kings in Amsterdam

Valhalla: Four Kings (ID 150k+), Fight Organization, Amsterdam
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Hello everyone!

The Four Kings in Amsterdam is a starting 150k ID capped fight org for the future MMA royalty of MMATycoon. We are planning to have some inter-org tournaments in future. We already have recaps, event posters and a private gym for 4K fighters only!

So... What's up with the name "four kings" eh? Since the fighter weight isn't such a big deal in MMATycoon I thought I'd suppress the division count a bit. This way the match making will be easier and there will be more opponents/fight opportunities. The champion of each weight class will be crowned a KING. =) The Four Kings weight divisions are as follows:

- 4K Lightweight (135 & 145lbs)
- 4K Middleweight (155 & 170lbs)
- 4K Cruiserweight (185 & 205lbs)
- 4K Heavyweight (265 & +265lbs)

Do YOU have what it takes to hold the crown? If the answer is YES then please be in touch and I will hook your future king of mmatycoon up. =) Obviously fighters from all weightclasses are more than welcome!

REMEBER: All our fighters are invited to The Four Kings private gym (gym link in the org frontpage). Also, if you are a VIP and your fighter is based in Helsinki, London or St.Pete I will happily throw the base moving cost as an extra!

-Dee (Manager ID: 51891)


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