The 2nd event starts of with a heavyweight bout between Fedor Emelianenko and Jake Laston. Fedor lands a nice uppercut early on and Laston quicly decides to clinch. Looking to get Fedor down on the ground and succeeds, but he gets caught by Fedor in a Triangle submission not much later, giving Fedor the win. The second fight takes place in the light-heavyweight division between Guan Yu and Matt Laury. Yu comes out strong and wild, throwing some wild combos, hitting and missing some as he does. Laury cant get into the fight and gets swarmed by punch after punch, resulting in Guan Yu winning via TKO. For the third fight we go to go to Jarczopeles Sa and Max Power in the light-heavyweight division. Early on Sa makes it known he wants to clinch, while Powers is looking to take the fight down to the ground. In the mids of all, both men eventually got a takedown from the clinch, but it was the striking of Sa that ended the fight, resulting in the win for Sa by TKO in the 2nd round. The fourth fight is another light-heavyweight bout, this time between Lotus Gracie and Antoine Kelstral. The fight starts with a quick takedown event by Gracie which is stuffed, Kelstral tries to throw some strikes, and is able to do so before Gracie finally gets a takedown. On the ground, it was quick work for Gracie to get Kelstral in trouble. Gracie takes the fight by Kimura submission. The fifth fight takes us to the featherweight division, for a bout between Donald Robinson and Gary Bitters. The fight between these two men was a quick one, but fun to watch. Bitters showed excellent striking and Robinson had no answer. He tried some takedowns, but Bitters stuffed those. Eventually Bitters picked him apart and got the win via TKO at 1:14 of the 1st round.
The sixth fight takes place in the welterweight division, and is a bout between Jingle Jingle and Mike Lopez. Both men came out and looked for the takedown early on. But as in most fights, there can only be one to get the takedown and get in the dominant position. In this case, that was Jingle. Jingle worked a smart plan, and managed to land every single strike onto Lopez from his dominant position. The strikes of Jingle didn’t feel good to Lopez, and he tapped out. Jingle wins via submission to strikes. And the seventh fight of the night takes place in in the middleweight division, where Johny Hendricks takes on Alex Rhys. Another wrestling match up here, with both guys eager to get a takedown. However only Rhys turned out to be successful through both rounds before the fight was finished. Rhys showed some class on the ground, going for both strikes and sub attempts. In the end, Hendricks fell to a submission, causing Rhys to win via armbar submission.
The co-Main event is next. And it’s a bout between two welterweights, Royce Gracie and Jay Dee BJ. As all fights, it starts standing. But both men want to get it down quick! BJ eventually got the clinch and worked a takedown from there. Once on the ground BJ really seemed to be in control from that point on. Gracie did some work and was able to improve his position throughout the fight, landing some strikes and going for subs of his own, but BJ really just outworked him. Landing more strikes and doing more damage. Gracie showed how tough he is, but BJ took the fight via Unanimous Decision. For the main event we have a look at the heavyweight division, in a fight between Syphon Filter and Rufus Alfredsson. A fight that has a lot of hype going and has the fans standing up when the first bell rings. Filter seems to be the more agro fighter and rushes Alfredsson, landing a good few strikes, cutting Alfredsson in the process. A knockdown quickly followed and the fans are going crazy. Alfredsson was able to get back up to his feet, trying to close the distance to recover, but Filter gets out the way and counters with a big right hand that sends Alfredsson down! At only 30 seconds into the 1st round, Filter picks up the win via KO.
KO of the night: Guan Yu
Sub of the night: Fedor Emelianenko
Fight of the night: Syphon Filter vs Rufus Alfredsson
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