The last event of the month started out with a heavyweight fight, with Juan Curo taking on Spartak Mishulin. Curo early on got the takedown multiple times, but the referee put both fighters up as well, where Mishulin tries to work the striking game but Curo replies with strikes too, leading to a KO win for Juan Curo. Zoran Hribar and Matt Gracie fight in our second fight of the night to showcases ome welterweight action. Both men are eager for the takedown, but also throw in some occasional strikes. Hribar has success with most of the takedowns and works a smart strategy, eventually winning by Unanimous Decision. We stay in the welterweight division for our third fight, a fight between Trevor Philips and Slick Diaz. Philips is looking for a takedown early on but fails to get it. Diaz eventually manages to get a takedown from the clinch and locking in a submission straight after, Diaz winning by armbar submission. Fourth fight up next and we go to the light-heavyweight division for a fight between Rod Sanders and Mike Lowre. A real spectacular striking fight this was, great exchanges and fun moments to watch. Both guys showed their talent and heart, but it was Rod Sanders taking the win via Unanimous Decision. A featherweight bout is next between Marshall Creola and Ryan DePloi. Creola wants to clinch early on, and landing some strikes before breaking it again. DePloi eventually gets Creola with a takedown and works his way to to a submission. DePloi wins via Kimura submission.
Damon Frizzley and Fedor Killer compete in our sixth fight which takes place in the middleweight division. Fedor Killer came in with just one thing on his mind it seemed, and that was to get the fight down to the ground. Frizzley simply said nay, and kept the fight standing; working his striking game which eventually led to him winning via Unanimous Decision, in a fight he showcased his talent. The seventh fight is in the welterweight division, and its between Jim Howard and Fredro Rodriguez. This fight took a whole 22 seconds and ended in a KO. Jim Howard took the win by a brutal headkick KO. For our eight fight we go to the heavyweight division, where McKenzie Porter takes on Ruphus Duphus. Both men didn’t really seem to want to stand and strike with eachother. Duphus gets the first takedown in the fight, but both him and Porter will get their fair share throughout the fight. On the ground, Duphus seemed to be the superior fighter, and took the fight late in the 3rd round by arm triangle submission.
Devin Myers and Dylan Spencer are in our co-main event, which takes place in the middleweight division of Insanity. Spencer seemed to have given up even before entering the fight, he may have overtrained himself. Still Myers had a tough time taking him down, and it took 4 takedown attempts before finally succeeding with one. On the ground, Spencer did some work but Myers was just too strong and eventually caught him in a triangle submission. Leading Myers to be the winner of this co-main event. Now it’s time for the main event, a fight in the middleweight division between Eric Bloodthorn and You Lose. People were looking forward to the fight thanks to the hype video playing throughout the venue prior to the fight. Both men looked like they could kill each other, and when the fight started, Bloodthorn was the one to go in and let go. Landing nasty strikes from every angle possible, landing some nasty leg kicks. Lose could not hang with Bloodthorn and just seemed to be in pain, eventually not being able to take anymore and Bloodthorn ending the fight; winning by TKO just 1:21 into the 1st round.
KO of the night: Jim Howard
Sub of the night: Ruphus Duphus
Fight of the night: Rod Sanders vs Mike Lowrey
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