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The Viking Invades The Island

Fighter profile of Ragnar Lodbrok by Antonio Maximus

The Viking first invaded The Island in a QFC match where he dispatched his foe with some heavy ground and pound 4:32 into the 1st round. Ragnar was then signed by Attack Fight League, and there after put his name on the map.     January 18th 2014: AFL 1 Campos vs Lodbrok. It was a short nights work for The Viking as he dominated the then 2-0 Campos in just 1:56 into the 1st round. Campos scored early on with a few good shots but was quickly taken down with a vicious belly to back suplex from Lodbrok. Then savagely ended the fight with some aggressive ground and pound.   With a new season underway on The Island fighters are jockeying for position to be the best. After his fight last night we had a chance to catch up with the #6 P4P and #1 LHW fighter on The Island, Ragnar "The Viking" Lodbrok. Here is what he had to say:   Q: Great fight tonight, did you think it would end the way it did? A: Of course, I knew I would hurt him.   Q: After a big win against a guy like Campos, who would you like to fight next? A: I'll fight anyone, even heavyweights. But I want to hurt Cortland Cartwright next. It is his fate.   Q: Are you happy with your #1 LHW rank on The Island? A: A number means nothing to me, I want gold. I fight because I like it, it is my passion. To inflict pain is my only goal.   Q: You want gold, do you mean the AFL LHW championship belt? A: I do, the Gods have chosen me to be the best.   That was all we were able to get out of Ragnar as he stormed out after that question. He seemed very somber after his brutal performance tonight. The man is all business as they say.   Now that The Viking has invaded The Island everyone should keep and eye on this guy. He seems to be the real deal. Only time will tell if this invader can conquer The Island.


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