Vahan 'Nimrod' Karamyenyan- 21 years old, 186cm, 216lbs light heavyweight fighter from Hrazdan, Armenia. BJJ purple belt with some amateur boxing experience. In both disciplines he won few country championships' medals. He has ended his amateur MMA career with 8-0 record, all ended before time. Actual Crucible Fights member.
He has started his professional career at QFC Tournament 158. Hopes which has arised around him after effective arm triangle in first fight, has quickly fallen after unanimous decision lost in round 2 against Kamil Kreps- later finalist of tournament. 10 days later he lost again after unanimous decision, this time at his Crucible Fights federation debut. He paid his entry fee to MMA world.
He needed 2 months to prepare himself to new level. After that, he started climbing quickly to the top of federation rankings. Fund someone 2 knockdowns and nasty cut, just in 37 seconds of fight? Sounds unbelievable, but Steven Cruguel got the proof that it's absolutely possible. 3 weeks later he has proven again his great grappling skills with submission of the night in fight against Mattias Ericsson- current record of 2 wins and the only lose, with Nimrod. We had to wait 1 month for his another fight- against Kip Killroy. But it was absoultely worthy. First round resulted with cut and later knockdown. The same was ongoing in first 2 minutes of second half, until amazing KO- The Superman Punch. He was on peak, hopes around him has exploded around. Just keep training and fighting- next wins will just come...
Everything was just perfect. But nothing lasts forever. During preparations for his next bout, his career was put into question. Karamyenyan broke heavily his forearm. Doctors were asking each other 'can he fight in future? Ever?'. Who knows Nimrod, knows he is unbreakable. He fought 2 weeks later with metal bars put into his foream. But it was absoultely bad idea. Lost by unanimous decision against much older Yuki Yamamoto. It was tough for so ambitious to lose- his not fully fit forearm wasn't any excuse for him. And he was right- when you are professional, you are 100% ready, or you just don't. And if someone asks you about this, there is no '99% ready' answer. He started to walk further into swamp. Too ambitious to reject revenge offer from Mattias Ericsson. He came to cage- it's the only thing you can say about Karamyenyan in this fight. Couldn't stand 2 loses in the row, he wanted end his bad run, even if everybody was advising to take a break until his forearm will be ready. Everybody respects tough men. But after his next fight, his manager had to stand hard on his ground...
'Vahan has my full credit of trust. But he must end with this madness. After rough discussion, we came into short and simple ultimatum- you wait until your injury will be healed or you can turn to amateur again. I know that it is very hard to sit down with 3 lost fights in a row in mind, but it's for his own good. We all must prepare him good, if we want him to win again. And this is just matter of time.', said Petro Sohitto- manager of Vahan 'Nimrod' Karamyenyan. So let's keep fingers crossed for this.
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