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"The Original Gangster" Kent Phillips

Fighter profile of Kent Phillips by Klutch Sports Group

Newly improved Heavyweight has tuned his fight career around since joining Heavy Weight Prize Fighting, Phillips is on a six fight win streak all of them by way of knock out with 5 of them being in round one, Phillips transitted over from NGF having him finding it tough to settle in.

He has had a very rough upbringing being raised in the The Bronx of New York, in a recent interview Phillips said "Every week i found myself having to fight my way out of a group of up to four people". Critics have been saying that Phillips is much like MMA and HWP legend and hall of famer "Afro Samurai" with his outstanding KO victories and his winning streak, but Phillips does not like to be compared to other fighters he wishes to be his own unique fighter.

His only goal right now is to be #1 heavyweight fighter in the world and #1 p4p fighter in the world. It looks like hes on his way there being ranked one of the top 300 p4p fighters in the world. Phillips looks to add to his winning streak when he comes up against former Evolution fighter "Josh Williams". Keep an eye out for "The Original Gangster" Kent Phillips as he looks to takeover the MMA world.


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