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Interview with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

Fighter profile of Steve Austin by

This is Spider here reporting live from Austin's home in Vegas. Austin is coming off a big win over Victor Sagat in the semi finals of the 8 man Heavyweight tournament to decide the Vegas Fight Nights Heavyweight Champion and we're here now to see whats on his mind.

SPIDER: First off I would like to say congratulations on the big come from behind KO over Victor Sagat.

AUSTIN: Thanks a lot, that was a very tough match. He had me in trouble a few times but I was able to get it together.

SPIDER: What was going threw your mind after the first two rounds?

AUSTIN: I knew I needed a finish, the first round was close but I felt like he probably took it, and he took round two as well. So coming out for round 3 I knew I had to make something happen. At the start of the round I notice he looked pretty tired and had his hand kinda low. I just went for broke and luckly it paid off.

SPIDER: Indeed it did. Now you've probably seen the interview I had with Sagat prior to the match you had with him. He was very vocal about his dislike toward your. Do you have anything to say to him?

AUSTIN: You know I'm not the kind of guy to talk trash about people. I don't think he will have much to say after that. But I'm down if he wants a rematch one day.

SPIDER: Now onto VEGAS FIGHT NIGHT 4 where you will be meeting up with Bart Simpson for the VEGAS FIGHT NIGHTS Heavyweight Championship. This event is a little different that most as it will feature a ring instead of a cage, will have 2 10 minute rounds for non title fights and 3 10 minute round for the two title fights. The fights will also be judged as a whole. What are you thoughts on your fight with Simpson?

AUSTIN: I think its gonna be a tough fight, hopefully I don't get my ass kicked too bad this time. I'm still pretty sore from my fight with Sagat, but I should be 100% and ready to go come fight night.

SPIDER: Well that's about all the time we have here today. Austin and Simpson for the Heavyweight Championship live from The Underground in Las Vegas on 3-8-14


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