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Marshal "Average Joe" Brady

Fighter profile of Marshal Brady by Kristian Marry

 Marshal 'Average Joe' Brady

Today i want to go through the history of a fighter that almost never would have stepped foot inside the cage.

Marshal Brady is described by himself as a normal man just taking each day as they come but truth is he is much more than that. Still early days into what we hope will be a successful career a 4-1 record and the current title holder in the 265 division at World Combat Sports Association Marshal is looking like he will be a champion for quite sometime.

Living with his wife and child in Downtown L.A he worked as a bricklayer earning a ok wage, then on a night out with his friends he encountered a woman being attacked by three men. Without hesitation Marshal ran over to help the woman, the three men turned the attention to marshal and got more than they bargained for when he easily took each of them out with easy and helped the lady get away with only minor injuries. His stunned friends who witnessed what happened urged him to get into some sort of martial art to take his skills to the next level.

After winning the title in a hard fought match against  Frank Sirpico the ORG went through some changes and in his first title defence he came away the victor once more.

“I know I am not the most skilful guy in MMA but I have one thing quite a few fighters lack and that is the heart and desire to never give in” – Marshal Brady


With his age going past prime we can doubt to see a massive change in Marshals style but I don’t really think that will matter he, has the power to control a fight and the heart to pull through in tough situations and I hope we see a long reign and many more fights to come.


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