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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

SSFC News !!!

Editorial by Bunner Ting

SSFC News !!!

SSFC is currently postponing all events until further notice.

This is so we can make a future comeback with an extensive management team, who can bring the heart to make SSFC the biggest name in MMA Tycoon history.

Our comeback will require huge investment, but we intend to spend the next few months aquiring the funds to do this.

We apologize to all our signed fighters and managers for this belated news, but we hope to see you at our comeback events, and we will offer some great contracts to our loyal members of SSFC.

Thanks for your support, and Good Luck to you all.


(We will post further news to keep you all updates with our progress)


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