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Siekiera moves in

Fighter profile of Zenon Siekiera by

 A new fighter on a MMA tycoon scene, Zenon Siekiera, who beat the hell out of Larry Bowen in his professional debut, suprisingly sign a 4-fight contract with one of the most hyped MMATycoon organization "Dynamite".

"I have no idea why Dean Winchester see me in. I'm here in Amsterdam to get some booze, weed and women. I spend all my money after 2 days of being here, and i agreed to fight because i was in need of money.. that's all... Maybe Dean is looking for some drinking buddy? I always ready for that Dean!"

Zenon also told that he is ready for a training, 2 times a day he is rising his stamina by running to shop to get some beer, for more mental power he bought some films like Rocky and Drunken Master and now he is watching and waitng for his first opponent.

Zenon "Siekiera" Siekiera age 21 is 200 cm tall at 115 kg weight. His record is 1-0-0. He is a master of Zasadzkas and sometimes kopas w dupas.


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