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Ejnar Thorsen Interview

Fighter profile of Ejnar Thorsen by Mentor Guru Corleone

Hello ladies and gentlemen I’m Dale McCann. On tonight’s episode of MEET THE MAN we have an interview with the former GAMMA 185lbs ex-champion Ejnar Thorsen.

DM- Welcome Ejnar how was your trip to the studio?

ET- Hey Dale thanks for having me, it was ok traffic is really bad out there.

DM- HAHA I know it can get that way some times. So let’s get down to business and give the fans what they want to hear.

Q. You’re going into your 11th GAMMA fight and 4th Title defence on Saturday. How has the Organization treated you?

A. I believe the Org has treated me great. I have been a fan of Gamma for a while now. My head trainer Doc Thomas fought here so I was hoping to get a chance to fight for this Org when I started training MMA.

Q. Yeah we all remember doc he seems to be getting the best of you and knows the organisation and how it works as well that experience is all ways a bonus. What do you think of your upcoming Opponent and how do you think the fight will go?

A. I think Usain Watts is one of the best 185lb fighters in the world and he was a great champ. I believe this fight will be a lot different than the first one to be honest I think he kind of under estimated me a bit which I think affected his training coming into are first fight. As far as how I think the fight will go? Well I think it’s going to be my toughest fight ever but in the end I believe I will get my hand raised because that is the only way you can think when you go into a fight. I really don't make predictions but I can tell you for sure this fight won’t go the same way as the last one.

Q. Everyone’s saying he’s been doing extra time in the gym for this one and has left no stoned unturned I’m really looking forward to this fight. So what’s you’re most memorable moment in your MMA Career?

A. A lot of fighters would say winning the belt for the first time would be there most memorable moment but for me it wasn't winning the belt it was winning the fight against Raz Matazz who is a fighter I watched before I started fighting in MMA. To be honest he was kind of the reason I decided to do MMA. He was so dominate when he was the Gamma Champ. I told myself I wanted to be just like him. So to be able to get into the cage with him was a honour. To be honest when I got the call to fight him I was really nervous. I would have to say that was my most memorable Moment so far.

Q. Yeah Raz was a bit of an Icon in GAMMA what a legend but beating him you landed yourself the title shot and wouldn’t be here today. How many fights do you have left on your contract and do you intend to stay on?

A. I have 4 fights left and I plan on staying here as long as they will have me and I can perform up to my standards.

Q. Well I’m sure Mentor will want to resign you you’re a top quality fighter. Who would you like next?

A. To be honest I don't think about that right now. My focus is on Usain at this moment. After this fight whoever Gamma's Match Maker thinks I should fight is who I will fight.

DM- Well good luck for Saturday and come back soon. That concludes today’s episode of MEET THE MAN with Ejnar Thorsen. Well folks that’s a rap, remember to tune in fight fans for weekly interviews with the sport’s top fighters.

Written By Frank King


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