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Journey to the QFC Tourney

Fighter profile of Demian Oracion by Jon Gordon

 An 18 year old fighter, out of the philippines. With a dream as big as his body entered the tournament with only determination. Nobody expected this kid will rise to the top, and as he proves the doubters wrong. He rose to the occation and won the QFC Tournament 361 at Hilo!

So, to know a little better about the guy, Here's the MAN, THE TOURNEY WINNER! DEMIAN ORACION!

So, for fans to know you a little better, let's conduct a little interview  

Q: What are your thoughts while the tourney is on going? What are your difficulties, or burdens while in the tourney, and who is your toughest opponent?

A: Man, it's a mix of emotions. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I had some troubles because, there was no training. There was no formal coaching going on, but by the help of my sponsors and the support of the fans and my family, I was able to push through and get victories. The most difficult fighter I faced... Was... Malia and The Experiment. They were teeing off my face but I was determined to take them down and I was able to get the victory.

Q: So what is next for Demian Oracion now?

A: Well, the tourney is not that exhausting, just fought for like.. 10 mins. So, it's not that tiring. I think, I'll be training first, let me develop my skills before I sign in an org. And once I sign in an org, I'll be definitely ready to take the org by storm!


Q: Now that's what I'm talking about! So, what skills are you focusing on to develop?


A: Probably my striking, so I can fight on the standup, and my striking defense and MT.


Q: Indeed, you're already an entertaining fighter, and once you improve your striking we'll definitely be more entertained. So, last question. How do you see yourself, 5 - 10 years from now?

A: Well, I don't mind moving my base. So probably, I'll be leaving Hilo by that time, and probably, 5 - 10 years from now, I'll be signing with a TOP ORG. With a young age, and make history! Break records, and BE CHAMP!


Q: That my friends! IS what we call Young guy's determination and passion to the fight! very amazing! Well our interview is over, and glad you came to to agree to interview you. So any last comments before we go?


A: Thanks for having me, the pleasure was mine. This will probably increase my fan base :) I want to thank also my supporters, the fans, and MY SPONSOR, my family! Shoutout to my fiance, and everybody in the Philippines! I'll be coming home soon! God bless us all!




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