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Tom Quin Q&A

Fighter profile of Shogun Iron Tyson by Alika Webb

Q: Dear martial arts fans, it’s been a while but I’m back for another interview with Tom Quin. The 19 year old prospect from Holland is now scheduled to fight for the 145 title. Tom, are you glad you're getting a shot at the belt?

Tom: Of course I'm glad. The only thing I need to do now is perform the way I know I can perform and hopefully win that belt.

Q: You're scheduled to fight a dangerous finisher, realistically what do you think you're chances of winning are?

Tom: Hey, I'm a finisher too you know! But seriously now, every fight is different and you never know what your opponent will do, you can only do your best to prepare for the fight. Last time I underestimated my opponent and it nearly cost me the match, trust me that won't happen again. Don't get me wrong there's no shame in losing, even the best fighters have losses on their records.

Q: Tom thanks for doing this interview, I know you’re always busy training. Good luck for your next fight and I hope to see you again.


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