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Johnny Rotten

Fighter profile of Johnny Rotten by Dominicus Domingo

 Basil Fawlty- Look who stepped out of the grave. That bloody animal has worms in his teeth and is smoking a cigarette the size of the taj mahal and it smells very colorful. Colorful, like that pink underwear he's wearing with rips on the groin, he bloody penis is trying to communicate with me. This man's voice smells like bad eggs, bad milk, and cornbeef, not to mention what he's about to he's about to drink to wash it off. Oh dammit stop drinking my damn bourbon you prepostorous artist who knows nothing but to screem into a damn dildo...   You're just plain ol' Rotten you bloody iliterate! I know you wont hit me I know you won't...[am I alive?]

Rotten: That's Johnny Rotten to you. Thanks I'll take the keys to my hotel room while you sleep over here on the table. I'm not going to bang your wife don't worry, she's more rotten than me. And by the way I'm going to trash the hotel room and leaves cigarette butts all over the place, it will be ass city.


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