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IFF 38 - A sit down with The General.

Profile of by Billy Sanderson

Time for our first interview of night in kind regards of the title fight taking place at IFF 38 on the 17th of May 2014, Tonight's interview will be featuring a real champion, a guy who has been undefeated in his MMA career. Hailing from Xiangyin Hunan,China. This man is none other than Zongtang Tso, nicknamed General by most of his fans across the globe for the way he dictates the fight inside the cage. Let's go to our interview for tonight, Tommy Axel.

- Hello MMA fans watching and all the MMA fans all around the world, Tonight is a special night for MMA fans as I have a interview with The Legion of Pain's best fighter, The General, Zongtang Tso.

- So Zong, is it alright if I call you that ?.

- Yeah Tommy, it's fine call me whatever you want.

- Now we have got that out of the way Zong let's start with a few questions shall we ?.

- Fire away !.

- So the first thing people across the MMA world have been saying is you upcoming title fight against Stepan "The Cossack" Razin is going to be your most difficult opponent you have faced so far, what are your thoughts on this speculation made by the MMA fans across the globe ?.

- Well first thing is first, I'm not going in there to have a pillow fight with the guy, I'm going in there to try knock his head straight off his shoulders, I'm going to impose my will on the fight first like always and have my hand raised and the end, that is all I see at this moment in time.

- So you must having brought in better boxing coaches to the camp for this fight then? .

- No, I'm still under the same trainers, it's just my training has been a bit different this time.

- What do you mean by "Your training has been a bit different this time" ?.

- Well I have been not just training how to knock someone's head off their shoulders, I have been training takedown's and my clinchwork alongside my submission defence.

- So what of your abilities do you think will give you a better chance at winning the fight then ?.

- Well as long as I make an impact in the first round and dictate the fight more with my stand-up, but I plan on mixing it up with my groundwork and show people that I'm a force to be reckoned with, wether its the ground or stand-up, believe me Tommy boy, I'll be imposing my will.

- Ohh I see, So you plan on showing the world what Zongtang Tso is all about ?, so do you have anything to say to those that doubt you can beat Stepan Razin ?.

- Ye I certainly do and to those that doubt me in this fight, I've just got a few selected words to those critics, I'm going to beat his ass so bad he's going to think he's an egg and that's no yoke.

Tommy and Zongtang laugh hysterically.

- But on a serious note right about now, I'm going into this fight expecting to win, You know what ?, I'm a soldier, a warrior & a real champion with an undefeated record that has no ounce of quit inside him, because a wiseman once told me "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them" you know that wrinkley grey receeding old man was right, because at IFF 38, Stepan Razin is going to have my greatness thrust upon him but wether he can handle it and weather the uncontrollable storm and beat me is just something we will all have to wait and see the outcome, I can tell you one thing after the fight, I'm going to celebrate with some Russian chicks and a bottle of vodka in central Moscow.

- Wow a real impact giving but hard hitting speech there from Zongtang Tso there, so as this interview has come to a closure, we have found out that Zongtang Tso is determined to fight Stepan Razin at IFF 38 on 17th of May, so thank you for joining me today Zong, it's been a pleasure.

- It sure has, ohh and one last thing remember kids, don't do drugs.

Zongtang Tso walks off laughing and shakes Tommy's hand as courtesy of respect.

- So there you have it, we have heard from the champion himself tonight but can he really protect his streak and beat this promising MMA talent in Razin or will he prove we are all human? ,That is the Question on people's minds but all anwsers shall be anwsered on 17th of May 2014 at IFF 38, let's see what goes down.


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