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TRT Suspensions at BEEF

Editorial by King Scooby

Breaking news out of BEEF headquarters in Montreal!


Dale McCann, Frank McGee and Scottie Duran were all suspended indefinitely from the organization after a thorough TRT investigation. Dale McCann was the only fighter to file against the suspension.


The use of Testosterone Replacement Therapy has been banned in many places where MMA is allowed but at BEEF it is encouraged. Fighters are tested after their fights to ensure that they are using TRT or some sort of Performance Enhancement Drug other than Viagra. After Dale McCann defeated Gator Bait in a LHW brawl his test results showed the same level of testosterone found in a male college freshman at his first frat party. This is CLEARLY unacceptable. After his failed test, Dale McCann was quoted “I spent the night at the [Gushing CBombs] club before the fight.” Scooby Jr was about to rescind the suspension but was informed that the “Gushing CBombs” club was closed 3 months before Dale joined BEEF. (Health Code Violations)


McCann was the only fighter indefinitely suspended that has since been amended and allowed to return to BEEF cages within the next month. During his suspension he found a fight against Nobuhiko Oshima at the prestigious Honor FC where he was victorious in 20 seconds. Also, TRT is banned in Las Vegas. McCann will spend a lot more time with Vitor Belfort while training to maintain his testosterone levels to retain his place at BEEF.


Also pertaining to this matter, Joe Risley is exempt from all testosterone testing because it is questionable what reproductive organs it was born with. Risley was found doing ERT (Estrogen Replacement Therapy) before he moved over to Montreal.


Let this be a message to all fighters, BEEF wants them at their angriest when they fight in our cages. Contact us for your free steroid samples.


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