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Luda Sack: Limitless Potential

Fighter profile of Luda Sack by Andrew X

"If you're gonna be a pussy, you will be treated like one," said John Bravo, owner of Valhalla: New York, when discussing a fight offer that was turned down by Luda Sack and his mangament.

"He will sit out his contract until he's the worthless piece of shit that his manager is."

"Well," Luda Sack (3-0) replied when discussing the matter with his manager Andrew X, "guess I'm gonna have to settle for sharpening my skills for my upcoming QFC fight!"

Without hesitation, Luda Sack went on to defeat Sheldon Gellegos (0-1) in the first round via TKO in his latest fight after turning down an offer from Valhalla: New York last week for a fight he felt wasn't fair to him.

"Andrew X and I discussed this, after that I talked to my coaches and we felt the match we were offered at the time wasn't an evenly matched contest for either guy. It felt as if John Bravo doesn't care about the fighters and he complained that I turned down the fight without offering an explanation. On top of that, I have just moved to Los Angeles and now he wants me to fly to New York after I've spent time and energy to further my career. I was looking out for my best interests."

Because of this, Luda Sack is sitting out his contract, and yet, he puts zero blame on his manager.

"It was a team decision," said Andrew X, "I handled the situation the way I always do and haven't had any complaints from anyone except for John Bravo. He felt he was owed an explanation and is being childish wabout this matter. Luda asked me to request his release and John won't give him that. He wants to hold my client hostage, and that's wrong."

Despite this, Luda Sack hasn't let that stop him from his current plan on working on his skills and becoming a better fighter.

"This gives me ample amount of time to work on my striking and other aspects of my game. We're not going to dwell on John Bravo or his childish name calling and immaturity. There's a bright future ahead of me and I can't wait for what's next."

Luda Sack said this is just a bump, not a roadblock.

"I'll wait till I'm released or my contract expires. I have more time for the gym and more time to help my teammates now. I'm still young and have a long way to go. I'll be fine."

Not even the sky's the limit for this man.


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