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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

KAISER"s Cross 2 - Solution

Editorial by Roger Kint

Congratulations, Kelly McGrady! Random.org picked her (owner of "XTREME PWNAGE: Down Under!" and former owner of "Happy Pills") as the winner of KAISER's Cross 25,000$ main price! Whymer Van Mastodon, John Does, Ethan Downs and Scarlett "Jax Murderer" Slutje also came up with the correct answer, but weren't lucky in the final draw... those guys will receive 20 "Red Bomber" shirts from former (but currently inactive) #1 clothing company KAISER Tokyo - big thanks to Undead Clothing Helsinki for bringing back the design for this. Let's take a look at the solution, noone else then the Japanese submission machine and 2009 DREAM Super Hulk Tournament Champion Ikuhisa Minowa was searched here... the man they call MINOWAMAN! Stay tuned and check the upcoming edition of Tycoon Times for KAISER's Cross Part III - as especially the Tycoon related questions are kind of tough and i also do not want to exclude new/Non-VIP users, feedback or proposals would be very welcome... same in case you want to donate some bucks to make it a bit more exciting. Godspeed and party on, guys... and in case you ever plan on having a Johnny Cash tattoo... better get in contact with Alan Belcher first and ask who did his to avoid this f'n legend-defiler! :)


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