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The Blunders of Fighter Creation

Editorial by Lock Down

Since I'm quite proficient in making and investing in failed project fighters I will share some insights into my mistakes and highlight a few fighters I've brought up

Edwin Odesseiron (192785)

Edwin was a fighter that I got way too attached too which is probably one of the biggest mistake you can make. He is one of only 2 fighters I've made a custom avatar for myself which was a huge cause for the attachment. Although he is an amazingly fast learner and has a granite chin, he drops to 0.67 morale after a loss which is absolutely a deal breaker in the eyes of most experienced managers. His new manager has done a pretty commendable job with him so far and I'm curious to see what happens with him. I feel like you can only get away with it for so long until it comes back and bites you in the ass though. At the end of the day most managers will tell you that having a fighter's morale drop to 0.67 is the reddest of red flags and you should get rid of him right then and there. Simple as that.

Korgan Bloodaxe (207657)

Korgan is a fighter currently on my roster and has been quite a messy failure. Korgan popped "Intelligent" on his tale of the tape which is weighed differently by every manager in the game. A quick note is that Dino throws Intelligent fighters out right away and has stated that they will never be top fighters. Take this statement with a grain of salt but Dino is one of the best at creating and training projects. Although Intelligence is, in my mind, an Enigma..my knowledge is that Intelligent fighters are more effective as grapplers which Korgan is not. One of the biggest blunders you can make in creating a fighter starts with distribution. I still overlook this when I make new fighters and I slap myself silly when I realize it. Basically, if you make a fighter with Useless Boxing/Wonderful MT/Abysmal Wrestling/Useless BJJ and give him 110 in take down defense his Wrestling primary and development will be CRIPPLED and he will be open season for grapplers if you choose to fight him early like I did. Korgan has been finished 4 times on the ground because I put him in fights he wasn't even close to being ready for. And even if you don't fight him early and decide to invest in his grappling defenses it will still take forever, possibly in his late 20's for his Wrestling primary to be battle worthy. I could of thrown him out after his first fight but I kept him because he has solid confidence and I never got to play around with too many Intelligent fighters. Be as objective as possible when deciding if you are going to invest long term into a young fighter.

Durlag Trollkiller (230204)

Durlag is a fighter who I could have easily canned after I tested him. Although he has solid confidence he has no significant hiddens and is at best an average learner (can't remember what he tested at) All of his losses have been to grapplers which he was completely unprepared for just like Korgan. A project fighter with the notion of being a long term investment should have something special, being average and insignificant is a recipe for disaster when you fight guys who have a serious advantage in hidden values. He was created with the colossal error of giving him Wonderful TDD with an Abysmal Wrestling primary which really crippled his progress and slit any potential for early success at the jugular. Grapplers have feasted on these 2 fighters like a Lion feasting on a helpless Antelope and I could of had a large step in prevention if I had a more thoughtful distribution of skills. Signing them to an org full of grapper's didn't help the cause either.


- Read Dino's fighter creation guide. Lots of good points in here and he is actually good at breeding fighters unlike myself

- Do not get attached to a new project at all. Be completely objective and consider the long term values of his attributes/hiddens. This includes having an amazingly fast learner or being super stoked on popping a granite chin. There are many hiddens that can cripple a fighter such as low heart or low confidence. I am extremely guilty of investing in fast learners with god awful hiddens. It is a mistake.

- Seriously consider sacking fighters whose morale drops to 0.67. Although you can arguably get around it with slider Fu they are a massive liability and I wouldn't recommend it (but what do I know....)

- Be thoughtful when creating fighters and distributing there skills. Do NOT give a fighter 110 TDD with no points in the Wrestling primary. You can seriously cripple a fighter. Another issue is giving 110 in Muay Thai and neglecting all the MT skills. By the time you get his kicks/clinch up to snuff your fighter could look like Superb/Elite/Superb/Purple. Giving a fighter 110 in MT and 1 in Clinchwork is also just begging for failure. I've done this before too without even thinking about it lol.

- Prepare them properly before starting to fight in Orgs, ID restricted or not. Don't do what I did and feed a bunch of helpless bums to a bunch of grappling specialists. They didn't have a chance in hell to win those fights because of poor preparation and poor fighter creation. Good managers prepare their projects and thats why you see them go 6-0, 7-0, 8-0 etc in the minor leagues. They are well prepared, well rounded and have their defenses covered vs most threats.

- The last thing worth mentioning is a fighters learning speed. If he tests as a slow learner which is pretty much anything in the 1.95 - 4.5 ish range it's worth considering canning him if he doesn't have some serious hiddens to make up for it. I usually test them out and if they are under 1.95 - 5.0 and don't pop Granite or KO Power or something amazing they are an instant toss away in my books. Also gauge their morale if they lose the fight and make a judgement call.

This are just some thoughts and tips I have about my failures with fighter creation. I am obviously no expert on the topic but I have a good idea where I have made my mistakes so maybe this can help some people avoid the failures I have endured




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