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Where are they now?

Editorial by Jolon Williams

Remember Jolon Williams? Some of you hardcore MMA fans might. For those of you who don't, let us refresh your memory. Jolon Williams was a MMA manager who was setting the UK MMA scene on fire with a youthful, up and coming stable of fighters, mixed with inspired ideas and groundbreaking organisations based in the UK. Jolon Williams was a man who could arguably have been credited as the man who brought the UK MMA scene on the map way back when it was still considered a minor power in the grand scheme of Mixed Martial Arts.

At least, this was what he was ... up until he mysteriously disappeared from the MMA world entirely, nearly three years ago. But where did he disappear to?

Turns out, Jolon Williams wasn't the benevolent, inspirational and self-made entrepreneur he liked to portray himself as. Turns out, Jolon Williams didn't mysteriously disappear, but rather, he was arrested outside his Calabasas condo in Los Angeles, California, for allegations linked to fraud, money laundering, and several other counts of financial criminal activity.

Several may remember Jolon Williams' brainchildren, ranging from Nonstop Entertainment Incorporated, to REVO in London, and a couple of his fighters as well, the most well known being the likes of Zane Peltier from Synchronicity, Firus Williams of EPL fame, and several others. Well, apparently Jolon Williams made the majority of his money, not legally from these enterprises as some might think, but rather by illicitly syphoning funds from said enterprises and funding his own lavish lifestyle. Naturally, as soon as the scandal was discovered, his stable abandoned him, leaving him alone, and behind bars.

So why bring this up now, some might ask? If he's a nobody, a has been, from three years ago? Well, the wealthy are as wealthy do, and the wealthy 'entrepreneur' has somehow managed to convince the justice system that he's fit to be set into society again, and he has since set his eyes back upon the MMA scene. As such, we are warning any aspiring UK fighters against this man ... don't join his stable, at any cost. It will, literally, end up costing you any and every penny, if past behaviour is any indication.

Despite our warnings, however, it seems he has already managed to lure one haplessly clueless young lad by the name of Alasdair Thacker, whose unfortunate last name and connection with the corrupt Mr. Williams has already earned him the rather (ill?)deserved nickname, Alasdair 'One Desperate Mother' Thacker. For desperate you'd have to be, to associate with Jolon Williams now, given his reputation.

(Courtesy of Doyle Lassiter, former disgruntled employee of the afore mentioned, and oft after mentioned, Jolon Williams.)


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