Q: Dear martial arts fans today I will pay a visit to a rising star in the light heavyweight division in the Island's kickboxing organisation Pride KT. Sami Bernill just made his debut and eventhough he didn't win, he didn't lose! That's right, his debut ended in a draw. His opponent Abidemi Kwame also made his debut and started out strong in both rounds but when Sami took over he controlled the second half of both rounds. Sami, how do you feel about your debut?
Sami: After the fight it was kinda weird because I didn't know how to feel. On one hand i was so happy I didn't lose my debut and on the other hand i was kinda mad because I thought I'd done enough to win.
Q: Have you watched the fight yet and do you still think you should have won?
Sami: Yes, I did watch the fight the next day and it was a closer fight than I thought it was. I've accepted the draw and I'm ready to move forward now and win my first fight!
Q: Sami, thanks for doing this interview. Good luck for your next fight and I hope to see you again.
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