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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

NFL Wembley

Editorial by Mike Tycoon

At the time of writing, I'm in the middle of watching the once yearly NFL trip to Wembley, England. This year it's the Miami Dolphins against the Raiders and it's quite the rout. As with most sporting occasions, if you think you've picked it right before hand and just didn't have the balls to bet on the game, it's pretty annoying. To be honest, I know little about NFL football betting but as the owner of a big online community, I've always wondered whether we could come together and accurately predict the outcome of fights to
  beat the bookies and earn ourselves a pretty penny... Well, that's been my plan for quite a while, as a firm believer in 'The Wisdom of Crowds', a concept I'd heard about years ago. I am currently working on improving the fight engine's counter system but after that's done and we've got the Twitter system up and running, I do wanna start working on some prediction algorithms alongside fixing things like event rankings and coach wages.

Is it possible? I dunno, I just really hope so. I'm thinking that we could sell the results of our predictions to bookmakers so they can adjust their odds, rather than betting ourselves per se, though that would obviously be an option. I'd also create an app for people to submit their prediction, then give them our group opinion on what's actually a good bet, based on the odds. Anyway, I'm just throwing this out there as a teaser for people who aren't aware on my plans, cos I needed to write an article on sports betting... BUT, it will happen at some point and I HOPE that I can earn the site (and hopefully you guys too), some money in the process.


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