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The story of Alexy Innokenti

Fighter profile of Alexy Innokenti by Bjorn O'Donnel

On the 11th of October 1996, a child come to earth. His mother was supposed to give birth to him on the 12th, but she just couldn't hold him anymore. The father was in prison for burglary and manslaughter. He was facing a lifelong sentence.

As a poor single mother, Nathalia knew she couldn't keep the baby. After two long cold nights, she decided to place him at the door of the local chapel in Stary Oskol. Luckily for the baby, russians are religious and he was picked up by a woman that went to church to pray the same evening. Later at night, she came home with the child and discussed with her husband what they would do. They drunk a few wodkas and decided that they would raise the kid as their own. Their names are Olga Feodorovna Emelianenko and Vladimir Alexanderovich Emelianenko. The family already had 4 kids; Fedor, Alexander, Marina and Ivan. They called the newborn Alexy Innokenti.

The Emelianenko family wasn't rich and had a hard time getting enough food and drink for their kids. Alexander soon got on the wrong path and joined a local streetgang. He was arrested soon after for multiple burglaries and fights on the russian Streets. Fedor on the other hand was a quiet, hard working boy. You might now him now under his fight name 'The last emperor'. He became an absolute legend of the sport.

What many don't know is that the adopted boy , Alexy, is an mma prodigy himself. He was trained the same way as his brothers , by hard grueling workouts. He has some outstanding skills and is according to his trainers an absolute beast. But numbers say more then words sometimes: 3 x European Combat Sambo champion , 2 x Russian National champion and a staggering 5 Combat Sambo world titles.
After a drink with Fedor, Alexy decided to try out at the Tiger Muay Thai academy in Phuket. He passed the test with flying colors.
He won the scolarships for both MMA and Muay Thai, something that had never been achieved before by anyone.

Roger Huerta decided that at the age of 18, Alexy could already sign a pro contract. The russian wonderboy agreed and signed the deal. he is now training professionally and is making big steps towards his mma debut.
Alexy Innokenti, definitely a name to remember!


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