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Sensei Toni Dojo Biography

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Sensei Toni Dojo Biography

The Sensei Toni Dojo, on the 20th of September 1950 in Brixton, was established by Yoshimitsu Kano soon of Legendary Judo Founder Jigoro Kano.

Yoshimitsu then 20 years of age, left he`s beloved home country of Japan after World War2, and moved to London.

Yoshimitsu a 8th Dan Judo Black belt and practitioner of Wing Chun, soon after arrival open the Dojo, the Dojo was called "Bushido" then.

After a non stop, production of British Olimpic Team of Judo fighters with numerous medals and titles, the Dojo became famous and the pride of the locals. In 1965 he meet Maria, a Portuguese young lady whom he felt in love and married her.

In 1968, Toni Kano was born, and the Dojo was at the top being used as training camp for many diferent Martial Arts practitioners was even used as movies scene.

In 1974, Muhamed Ali came along as well, were he used the Dojo as a spiritual refuge, before he fought Fraiser in Zaire "Rumble in the Jungle".

In 1982, was the only non-black residence not to get damaged at the Brixton riots.

By 1985 , Toni Kano now ,multiple time amateur champion in Judo and Muay Thai, and Karate World Champion at the age of 18, he was the star of the company.

But then tragedy strike, Yoshimitsu was involved in a car crash and die, Toni was never the same again.

The Dojo neither, after hes dead the high profile athletes and superstar that used to sponsor and come to the dojo stoped,until the unavoidable happend it was a financial meltdown and bankrupcy.

In 2002 after many years closed down it was bought by a drug dealer that used it for Pot plantation.

In 2010 it was sized by police, when the drug dealer got arrested.

In 2014 was bought by young ambitious interperneur Antonio Queiros.

Next week amazing life story of Sensei Toni Biogrphy


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