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Lightning Strikes

Fighter profile of Jason Brooks by Ceasar Tomson

Here I am at Mann’s Chinese theater in Hollywood California waiting to talk with Light Heavyweight Champion of Jack of Clubs Jason Lightning Brooks. I can see him standing across the way measuring his foot next to John Wayne. Mr. Brooks looks good in his three piece suit with the JOC title around his waist.

Reporter: Jason how is your day going?
J. Brooks: You know it used to be a humbling experience walking through this place, looking at the mark these great people have left on the world. Now I look at them and realize that these people will never be able to do what I have done. I took my opponent at Crowning of Champions to the mountain top and pushed him off to claim the 205 pound title. Can even the duke say he’s done that, NO!

Reporter: So what do you think of the road that has lead you to this point.
J. Brooks: I don’t know what to think sometimes, I had a shot early in my career with Hypnotic and for Five rounds I threw everything I had at Cyran and he out pointed me. It was a hard pill to swallow, in my head I was the Champion but I left it in the judges hands. After that I practiced to be able to out point someone if it came to that again. I won some and I loss some but I can say I have never been knocked out and I have taken some shots I’ll tell you.

Reporter: You left Hypnotic can you tell us why?
J. Brooks: Money and Fame! The owner and my Manager were tight there for a minute and he was using me all the time and I was making money and my star was rising and all of a sudden I wasn’t being used anymore and I didn’t understand. I asked for a rematch to avenge a loss of mine and the owner said it wasn’t my job to make fights. What do you say to that, I never turned a fight down and I filled in when needed. Then as like a punishment I had to fight one of my stable mates Kabuko twice and that hurt a little. What can I say it just hurt a little.

Reporter: You’ve won by submission in your last two care to enlighten us to your new style?
J. Brooks: At HFC 39 I thought I had the fight won I was striking good landing the shots I wanted and even got a reversal on the ground, Azrael Young slipped to my back and as he was choking me out I decided that if I had the chance I would finish from now on. I come from a background of point scoring to win a match and now I realize I’m in a fight and when I need to finish I’m going to do it. I hesitated against Dizzy the first time and then fought Lii another stable mate but we don’t really like each other and almost ripped his arm off. Then Keith gave me a shot to redeem myself and get a title so I said ok and found my chance to finish and got the Choke and now I’m the champion.

Reporter: What do you see for yourself in the future?
J. Brooks: I don’t know maybe clean out my division and then take a fight against one of the big guys and see if I’m as good as I think I am. There’s a lot I want to do maybe go back to Hypnotic and take that belt as well I don’t know I just want to be a legend so that when another kid walks by and maybe see’s my footprint they want to be just like me.

Reporter: You have anything you want to say?
J. Brooks: Yea I want to thank my Big Homie Thorin for all the training help and Let’Er Buck fight team and all my coaches. I will be the champion of JOC for a long time and who knows I may come after everyone else’s title.       


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