Next Generation is going to be Insane! The fighters on this card are mostly finisher and tend to show why they are the next generation of fighters. A lot of fighters are fighting to keep perfect records and some are making their debuts, while others are trying to get back in the win column. This card will produce some amazing fights, that will either shock you in the results or have you on your feet in excitement!!
(Main Event Heavyweight 206-265)
Josh McRoberts(22-18) vs. Jim Tags(7-5)
This fight is meant to light up fireworks and end with a bang!! McRoberts comes into the fight with a aggressive fighting style. He lost a opportunity to have the title in his last fight and comes in motivated to get back in that position. He has ko power in both hands and can submit most of the opponents he takes to the ground with a purple belt in bjj. He has great wrestling to slam you down . I feel he only has one thing on his mind and that's finish the fight. Tags has won all his seven fights by ko and has world class muy thai. He is a great wrestler himself and has a brown belt in bjj. He has lost 4 fights in a row most coming by ko. Both fighters are looking to get a w in the win column and are trying to put there last fights behind them. Will Tags chin hold up against McRoberts power so he can secure the clinch?
(I predict McRoberts by 1st round tko!)
(Co Main Event Middleweight 176-185)
Obidiah Davis(4-1) vs. Green Beret(4-1)
This fight is going to be a war and I believe it has fight of the night written all over it. Davis is on a 2 fight win streak and he is a world class boxer with knees to go with it. His muy thai is not elite but it is real good. He has good striking defense and movement but his wrestling is his weakness even though on the ground he is a purple belt. Beret is also a purple belt and his muy thai is on another level. He is a freak of nature in the clinch and has some good kicks. His wrestling is also good. He may not be good at boxing but his kicks are insane. This is going to be a battle of survival, who can take punishment and dish it out ten times more.
(Its a tough fight to pick but I'm going with Beret by 2nd round ko!)
(Lightweight fight 146-155)
Connor McGready(1-0) VS Alex Higgins(3-4)
McGready comes in a fight with the Ireland attitude, that's to put on a show and knock someone's head off. He reminds me of Connor McGregor. He won his first fight by 17 sec ko. He has lethal hands and proficient wrestling to mainly stop takedowns and bangs. He is a white belt in bjj but with his power and takedown d, he doesn't plan on being on the ground too often. Higgins is on a four fight losing streak and he is trying to get back in the win column. He is preparing to put out his best performance. He has a good countering game but likes to brawl on the feet. He has good takedowns and holds a blue belt in bjj. He will no doubt be trying to go to the ground.
(I put my money on McGready by Ko 1st rd)!
(Middleweight fight 176-185)
Nick "slick" Ross (3-0) vs. Jason London Slap(0-4)
Ross is a no brainer to be the favorite in this fight. He is confident and on a 3 fight win streak. He only has one ko victory but still has good power to ko anyone. He has a blue belt in bjj with proficient boxing skills. He will lay and pray on you and go for subs here and there. He can grind most people out for decision wins. He is aggressive on the feet. He doesn't have elite wrestling but he can get a few takedowns. On the downside, he does tend to cut. London Slap will try to use his remarkable boxing skills to finish Ross. London Slap is 0-4 but he is dangerous to stand with.If ross gets cut, London Slap could end this fight easily. He only has a white belt in bjj but has natural ko power also. He has a confident style even at 0-4.
(I'm going with the upset London Slap by 2nd rd KO)
(Light Heavyweight fight 186-205)
Charles Iceman(1-2) vs. Matt "Animal" Laukanen(2-0)
Iceman is on a 2 fight losing streak and comes to this fight determine to get back to his winning ways. He is a brawler, who is decent in all his skills sets. His boxing and ko power is what he mainly tends to use. He chin is very questionable losing both fights by ko. I believe the iceman is coming for a knockout at all costs. Laukanen has wonderful wrestling and amazing strength like the hulk. He likes to brawl and his boxing is ok. He doesn't have the best muy thai but has finish a opponent in the clinch. Laukanen seems to much for Iceman and will take this fight to the ground.
(I got Laukanen by tko strikes in 2nd rd)
(Middleweight Fight 176-185)
Josh Lamb(1-2) vs. Dutch Schultz(0-1)
Both fighters come in on losing streaks and need a win. Lamb has wonderful wrestling and contains a blue belt in bjj. He can take punches and his ground and pound can end a fight fast. His overall striking is abysmal at best. Schultz has amazing muy thai and holds a white belt in bjj. He using wrestling mainly for takedown d and was in a kickboxing org before joining soul supremacy. He can take punches also. Maybe he will utilize his kicks, and elbows in this fight.
(I predict Lamb by submission 2nd rd!)
(Lightweight Fight 146-155)
Yuki Kenjii(1-1) vs. Tony Sassano Jnr(0-0)
Kenjii is furious and wants a win after losing his last fight by a one sided decision. He holds a white belt in bjj and comes in depending on his power and wonderful wrestling to get him a victory. He has respectable boxing and likes to counter punch opponents and take them down. Sassano Jnr is making his debut and looks to pull off the upset. He has better boxing and comes in with decent muy thai and wrestling. He also holds a white belt. He will be fighting in his hometown of London, so he is motivated. I believe this will be a standup battle and somebody is getting finished
(I predict Sassano Jnr by KO 1st rd)!
(Heavyweight Fight 206-265)
Ali Mishka(1-0) vs. David Suroki(0-1)
Mishka carries a lot of power in his hands and likes to brawl. He is decent in stand up and has proficient wrestling skills. He got a blue belt in bjj and tends to cut in fights. He might be able to cut but this guy can knock you out with a single shot. He is dangerous even though his boxing isn't elite yet. Suroki is a wonderful boxer and holds a white belt in bjj. He doesn't really have a ground game but he likes to stand and bang with a chin that can take punches. This fight is determined on the fact that Suroki has to keep it standing to have a chance of winning.
(I predict Mishka by submission 1st rd)
(Heavyweight Fight 206-265)
Robert Baratheon(1-0) vs. Vasily Rodin Bibby(0-1)
Baratheon has a great wrestling background and he is trying to stay undefeated. His game plan is to control you on the ground or in the clinch. His boxing and muy thai is mainly basic. He is a strong fighter and tends to try to grind opponents for a decision. Bibby lost his last fight by ko but he is a dangerous bjj brown belt. His chin is not the best but if he takes you down good luck stopping his submission. He can take you down even though his wrestling is mediocre. He has basic striking skills but both guys could just end up striking. The wrestler vs. the bjj guy fight.
(I pick Bibby by submission 2nd rd)
(Heavyweight fight 206-265)
Diamond Dollar(0-0) vs. Jim Saville(1-0)
This is Dollar debut fight and the brown belt in bjj is looking to make it a successful debut. He has respectable wrestling, which makes him one of the most dangerous fighters on the ground with that bjj. His stand up is basic, but if he takes you down, you might not get back up. Saville won his last fight by ko.. so he has the power to finish Dollar. He has proficient boxing but only has a white belt in bjj. His wrestling is mediocre. His last fight only lasted 21 seconds so he has a lot of power. This fight goes to the ground, game over for Saville. Also standing up Dollar might find himself sleeping.
(I predict Dollar by submission 1st rd)
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