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Flair Up Your Body Opens In Rio

Flair Up Your Body, Clothing Company, Rio de Janeiro
Company profile by Donald Hughes

The nutrition supplement business in Rio de Janeiro has had a huge gap in the market, with just one company offering up supplements. On Thanksgiving, November 27, 2014, "Flair Up Your Body" opened up in the region.

"I saw a gap in the market in an area that has a great MMA tradition," said company owner Donald Hughes. "My goal for this company is to fill that gap in the market, and provide the many MMA fighters in the area with quality products."

With over $600,000 reportedly spend in the early stages of research and development, the company has wasted no time in getting ready for their big product launch on November 30.

"We will be launching our first full line of products, the 155 line. We hope that this line will be a solid base for our company to grow," said Hughes in a later press conference. "We will not be a flash in the pan company that lasts for a few weeks and then disappears. Flair Up Your Body is a long term investment that is committed to providing MMA fighters bang for their buck."

Marketing is another aspect that "Flair Up Your Body" is spending a lot of time in. Talks are in progress with gyms around the world to carry the company's products in their gyms. Sponsorships are also available.

"As a nutrition supplement company, our customers are our first priority. This includes not only just providing a quality product, but supporting the fighters in their MMA endeavors. It would be a privilege to be a part of a fighters success."

Only time will tell if "Flair Up Your Body" is just another flash in the pan, or a company to watch out for. The commitment is certainly there.


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