, Fight Organization, Company profile by J J Tycooner
WORLD COMBAT HAS benn the number 1 org in mma tycoon for 5 years in a row! 5 years in a row they have won best org in the game they are what all orgs Should try to be like the definition of excellence with the best fighters in the game will there ever be any one who can match them ?
then i woke up !
World Combat got a late start to season 3 of the island but still has big dreams of becoming one of the best orgs.
All though new our roster is growing daily and getting stronger the plan is to be a top org one day, high hopes I know but if you’re not in it to be the best then why be in it at all. when season 3 is over world combat will move to NYC. world combat hopes to be the home for all island fighters I plan on doing at least 2 events every week one show in the NYC and one show in a differ city of the tycoon universe so the org will need a lot of fighters so please keep your island fighters and let them shine in the world combat championship.
I know such big dreams for a brand new org but hey better to have big dreams than no dreams at all.
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