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New York Immortals fighter arrested after bar brawl

Editorial by Paul Huntington

New York police took New York Immortals super heavyweight fighter Zayeed Abdullah into custody late last night after receiving a call of a fight at a gentlemen’s club in Brooklyn. Police responded to Beaver’s gentlemen’s club to find Abdullah engaged in a fight with 3 security members from the club. Abdullah was detained with the tazer and taken into custody. Security from the bar alleges Abdullah had been drinking heavily in celebration over his recent victory against Warren Hoptop.

As the night went on, Abdullah became belligerent, shouting he was “the greatest fighter on the planet” and removing his shirt to show female patrons his abdominal muscles. The altercation began when Abdullah tackled another patron and proceeded to punch him in the head. Abdullah was under the impression that the man he attacked was Joey Riggs. Riggs beat Abdullah a few months ago and people in Abdullah’s camp have stated that he has not gotten over the loss. Abdullah has been quoted as saying “(Riggs) hits like a girl and has a stupid mustache!” The man Abdullah attacked also has a Fu Man Chu style mustache like Riggs has. When police searched Abdullah, they found a small amount of cocaine, and a bottle of painkillers on him. Abdullah posted bond this morning and is expected to see a judge next week.  


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