New Players.
New players come here everyday, and i would like to thank
Kim Jong-un for the helpful tips he gave me, im writing this as because
i want to tell you alittle about how you see the game when you join.
When you join and have no info about the game at all, you start doing random stuff, and thats fine, it might seem alittle simple at first, but as you play more, you start to see that there is much more to the game, creating new fighters seems simple, but i would recommend you to send kim jong-un a mail, he is happy to help, atleast he was happy to mail me, ask him to give you information about the noob fund etc, its one of the greatest things for a starter, also read the forum, not once, not twice but trice as it might seem alittle confusing, but when you have read it a few times you are ready to create your first or second fighter.
I did the mistake of creating 2-3 fighters with no knowledge about the game at all,
i joined this game because ive allways been into MMA, done some kickboxing around 2 years back,
then i found this game, which i really like, now im trying to be active daily, the only fighters ive lost matches in are the first fighters i created, but now i know alittle more about the game.
So be sure to read the forum, to get the most of the game and don't quit after the first day
because it takes 2 days in a quick fight, just stick for abit and give the game
a chance.
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