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Boondock, the handsomest man on Tycoon.

Video article by Boondock The Destroyer

I would like to submit this article about a manager I've come to love, the legendary Mr. Boondock the Destroyer.  He has proven to be a stand up guy in the world of Tycoon.  He has helped noobs across the Tycoon street, he has won many a belt, and he has lost them all.  I have seen him launder, I mean, charitably give away, MILLIONS of dollars and all the while he is okay being anonymous in his giving.  He has somehow eked out wins here despite HUGE deficiencies in his slider setting ability and this, I think, shows that he is somewhat of an idiot savant in the area of Tycoon. He was months late jumping on the counter strategy and a month late dropping off it.  He has proven to be an effective MOD, being seen on the forums at all hours of the day.  The guy is a martyr to his own generosity and good character. And although he depends on his good looks to get him far in life, he does have a somewhat tolerable personality.

All that to say, I vote "Yes" when it comes to Boondock the Destroyer.

Warmest Regards,

Boondock the Destroyer. 


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