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Dissolution More Than Just A Name

Underground, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Ken Enlow

Dissolution is more than just a name, it is a keepsake. When Ken Enlow started assigning the name to certain aspects it took on a life of its’ own.
Though the alliance by that named failed, Ken continued on with the clothing shop as well as a jet with the name.
The jet is still available for flights but Ken closed the store to make way for his newest endeavor, Dissolution Fighting Championships opened in London in February with an ID restriction of 263+k.
At the time of this writing DFC has already had five events with three more booked in the future.
Also, at the time of this writing, DFC has crowned one champion, Leluta Holmdona at 265+ and has five other title matches scheduled including potentially Holmdona’s first title defense against Grant Brophy.

Dissolution is always looking for new talent, 263k+ and up.


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