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'My name isDwight and I'm an alcoholic'

Editorial by Dj Parko

Saturday 21st of March saw Dwight Powell step into the ring for his second professional fight, first fight as a part of the prestigious Vanquish Combat Club in Sydney. The bog boy from Trinidad faced a tough young opponent named Sandor Clegane, a future superstar. However Dwight’s fight preparation failed to live up to his new ‘professional’ status. Preferring to stick to his old amateur habits. This included on this occasion a 14 hour Rum binge the night before the fight, stemming from his lifelong tradition of having a gathering of his closest friends prior to a fight. In recent times those close to Dwight have seen these small gatherings turn into nights of excess and overindulgence, particularly when Dwight’s kryptonite is involved, White rum!! Dwight managed to wake up just to hours prior to the big fight, naked in an empty bath. He had no recollection of the night before and no explanation for the excessive damage to the hotel room or the how a Bengal Tiger came to find itself strolling around his bedroom. Just two hours and 58 seconds after his awakening Dwight was put back to sleep by some clean strikes from the dominant Clegane. Dwight’s manager DJ Parko was furious and gave the ultimatum, ‘get clean or you are out’. This led Dwight, along with one of his closest friends, attending a local South Sydney AA meeting. After a short time in attendance those fateful words were uttered, ‘My name is Dwight and I’m an alcoholic’. We wish Dwight the best in his recovery and hope for a more successful, much soberer, return to the ring in VCC9 on the 18th of April.


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