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Editorial by Justin Ass

He Stands 6 foot 5 weighs 267 pounds and he could be the most dangerous thing to come to MMA Tycoon. His name is Damien Thorn and while he is only 18 people are saying given the time there are going to be few guys who want to get into the cage with him, let alone who will be able to beat him. But what will one day make Thorn the best heavyweight mixed martial artist in the tycoon world isn't going to be his size or his strength. It's going to be the quickness and the athleticism. He's not ready for the elite guys yet, but he's got the size, the strength and the athleticism to get there once he gets the cage time. "Let me tell you, Damien Thorn is a mixed martial artist said his manager Justin Ass. A title isn't imminent, but have no doubt, Thorn will one day have a championship belt strapped around that massive body of his before he's through. Whoever I fight first is going to have a heap of trouble on their hands Thorn stated a whole heap of trouble. It is not known when Thorn will make his debut or even sign with and if his weight doesn't spiral out of control – and if he can continue to make the heavyweight division's limit he's going to be just as good in MMA as he was in amateur wrestling. Two years from now, he may be close to unstoppable. Unquestionably, he's the MMA Tycoons next big,big thing.


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