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Author:Justin Ass

In life there can only really be one of something, for example take the Twinkie . There is only one Twinkie but look how many wanabes are out there, Cloud cakes, golden creams, Twonkies the list goes on. Well it seems that the USFC has that same problem with a couple of it’s fighters, “The Demon” Simone Vale and his wannabe Alistar “demon” Spong. Now the two could not be more different from each other I mean really let’s just take a look. Simone Vale well he is the picture of the all American , Good looking rugged in great shape and let’s face it everybody loves the All American . Now lets look at Alistair Spong Well right of the bat he’s fat out of shape his face looks like it got hit with a shovel , his claim to fame is he beat a Newt whatever that is and he was in some Butterball Tournament I’m sure that was an eating contest . Simon Vale on the other had crushed his last opponent with out breaking a sweat, manhandling him like yesterdays trash then finally knocking him out … I think the guy just fainted from fear myself . Simon Vale is The Reflection of Perfection Alistar Spong is a Reflection Rejection. So at USFC 37 Demon vs. demon will take place a fight so epic it will be seen in space, come witness Simon Vale fix Alistar’s face. It’s the All American ya’all vs. The Butterball only on TV.. channel USFC. Alistair Spong you fat Twonkie I am going to beat you like government Donkey.


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