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'The World's most dominant athlete' - A rebuttal

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Sports Illustrated named Ronda Rousey the 'World's most dominant athlete' and they're right, she is.

There is no athlete at the moment operating on such a higher level than their opponents than Ronda is. In her last three fights, she has defeated an Olympic Free Style Wrestling silver medalist, a BJJ Black Belt and a BJJ Mundials World Champion in a combined 96 seconds. That's domination.

Sports Illustrated aren't measuring Rousey against the whole of Mixed Martial Arts, they're measuring her against her field of competition, the whole of Women's Mixed Martial Arts and in that classification, she has no equal.

She's a better striker than the vast, vast majority of the competition, she is a better wrestler than most of the competition, she has by far the best takedowns in WMMA and by far the best submissions and transistions. She's the best trained female MMA fighter out there because she can afford it and she's the most mentally tough female fighter there is.

As for Cris Cyborg, she's a myth built on cans. She's fought one fighter of worth in her entire career, Marloes Coenen, the rest of her record are one dimensional fighters that wouldn't be able to (and some haven't been able to) compete in the current UFC Women's divisions.

If Cyborg makes weight in her next Invicta fight and goes on to fight Rousey, she'll be lucky to last a minute.

Ronda Rousey, the most dominant fighter MMA will ever see. There will never be another like her.


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