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Renato Laranja Interview

Fighter profile of Renato Laranja by Callum McGregor

Interviewed by Jim What.

  What: Joining me now is Bantamweight jiu jitsu sensation Renato Laranja. You've come a long way in your career Renato and have been in there with some of the very best competitors the division has had to offer. What is it that has kept you at the top for so long?

  Laranja: First, my jiu jitsu: that's the art that really helped me getting to the top of HG. Second, my career as a comedian: it definitely boosted my popularity in the eyes of the fans so it got me huge fights, and it teached me how to take a loss (*laugh*)

  What: Recently, one of the Highland Challengers guys, Hugh Janus, said you were his inspiration to begin mixed martial arts. Were you aware that you have been inspiring the next generation of fighters?

  Laranja: Wow, I didn't know it... that's very cool! I know Hugh Janus is a great jiu jitsu player who just recently started his MMA career in Highland Challengers. I wish him good luck and hopefully after the Island season we can share some BJJ knowledge and some good jokes!

  What: While you may focus a lot of energy into your comedy routines, you certainly haven't held back on your training. Has comedy opened you any doors in mixed martial arts that would have been closed previously?

  Laranja: Yeah, as I said being a famous comedian made some huge fights possible, as the fan already knew me from my youtube videoclips and wanted to see me perform. They found out that not only can I tell good jokes, I can tap vicious fighters aswell.

  What: Well many expect that we'll see you you tap yet another on Sunday night. Good luck Renato. 


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