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Louis Gordon Interview

Fighter profile of Louis Gordon by Callum McGregor


Interviewed by Jim What.

What: Today I'm sitting down with one of the competitors at Highland Games 77, Louis Gordon. How are things

Louis? I think first we'll talk about your Highland Games career to this point. It started off rather unimpressive with you going 0-3. Since then, you've brought two back against medium competition. How do you feel things have went for you so far in comparison to how you hoped they would?
Gordon: Thanks for having me today. Things are going good I'm healthy physically and mentally so I'm ready to rock at HG77. Yea I have to say I am pretty disappointed in how I made my debut with the organization those two KO defeats hurt my confidence and the submission loss wasn't as tough to take since I'm not a ground guy but to drop my first three fights in the organization I'm just thankful you kept me around to say the least.

I was expecting to come in and be right up there with the top dogs of the company not looking like a chump that wandered in off the street. Hopefully the last two wins are the start of a nice undefeated streak.
What: With you now taking your next big jump up to the top level, there is talks that a win over Teuvo could even get you a title shot. Does the pressure of a big fight like this get to you at all, and could that be the reason you failed to have success earlier in your HG career?
Gordon: That would be alright but I try not to look past the current fight until after its done so the pressure from that possibility likely won't weigh too much on me for this fight we'll see where I am if that fight gets offered. I think I know my problem in the past with four (T)KOs and I'm working hard on fixing that as the top level guys were able to utilize this weakness. I'm a bit slow sometimes on figuring out what I need to do to fix something but eventually I figure it out and this is what failed me in those high profile fights.
What: It would appear that right now, the top 3 guys at 205, you, Teuvo Loman and LightHeavy Weight are all clinch fighters. Do you feel that it gives you an advantage in knowing the fight will take place in your wheelhouse, or is it a disadvantage in knowing you'll also be fighting to your opponent's strengths?
Gordon: Well I love the clinch so knowing that this is where we'll end up is nice as I don't need to worry about it going to the ground so I can't let it all hang out. Usually this works for me and I won't shy away from it even if they have the advantage on paper.

What: How was your time in Attack Fight League? You held a 7-1 record with your only loss being a title shot. In the future, would you ever be interested in a fight against Michael Coleman again?
Gordon: Oh hell yea! The fact that I lost to him the second time knocking me out of the tournament hurts even worse. I would love to avenge those losses.
What: His manager has a fight in Highland Games now and his current organisation, Rezdog, hasn't had an event in about a month so it could happen down the line. If you could get a fight against anyone in Highland Games, World Combat or from The Island, who would it be?
Gordon: That would be great! It would have to be LightHeavy he was the man to beat on The Island and here in HG being the man holding the strap how could I not want to fight him. But of course I wouldn't say no to a rematch with any of the 4 guys that hold wins over me. 

What: How do you see the fight with Teuvo Loman going?
Gordon: From what I've seen in his previous fights he can be cut and his only loss is by stoppage from a cut so I'm hoping to add a 7th cut stoppage to my record. The big thing will be to keep him on the defensive in the clinch so I can unleash my elbows and stop him from inflicting his damage with those heavy fast hands of his.
What: I'm sure the fans will have that on the big screen to see if the action plays out as such. Thanks for joining us today Louis and good luck in your fight.
Gordon: Thanks appreciate the opportunity to sit down with you. 


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