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Chong Li Interview

Fighter profile of Chong Li by Callum McGregor

Interviewed by Jim What.

What: Chong Li, who is scheduled to fight Armando Esposito at Highland Challengers 2, is standing by with me now. Chong, as we haven't seen you fight in the cage before, we are unsure of what to expect. For the fans at home, what will they see when you enter the cage on Sunday night?
Li: They are going to see a war.  It's my first time in the cage, but I've been training hard for it.


What: If you plan for a war, do you have your sights set on a potential Fight of the Night bonus?
Li: Every fighter has their sights set on that. We're not kidding ourselves, here.  I want that, too, but I also want to bring the fans the type of fight they want to see. And I want my hand raised at the end of it.


What: Do you have any fears about entering the cage? With it being your debut, things can work out differently from the gym. If any, what do you fear most about making your debut?
Li: I have no fears about my debut.  I've been training hard with the team at Black Phoenix, and I'm confident about the outcome.


What: Sources from Armando's camp say that he's very out of shape at the moment and shouldn't be accepting the fight. Is that something you'll be factoring into your strategy?
Li: HA!  I was walking past Cozad one time, and I looked in the window. Watching him on the treadmill was embarrassing.  I have a training tip for his camp. Next time, hang a doughnut in front of him as he runs on the treadmill, and he might run faster. In terms of strategy? You said it yourself. He's clearly out of shape. I'm training for a war, and wars can be long and gruelling.  The longer the fight goes, the more likely I am to be the winner.


What: Well with you coming in as a huge favourite, I'm sure there will be a lot of money on you here. Thank for for talking to us today and good like in your debut.
Li: Thank you very much.


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