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Kazuka Fuujin: son of Japanese MMA legend, Shinichi Fuujin.

Fighter profile of Kazuka Fuujin by Chris Karter


Kazuka "Bazooka" Fuujin

Son of the former Rising Sun and Blitzkrieg Lightweight Champion Shinichi "Metal Head" Fuujin, his father introduced him to martial arts at a very early age. With a formidable background in sambo and jujitsu, on the journey to becoming a complete Martial Artist Kazuka followed his father to Convicted Fight Club to learn from his sensei "The Zen Master" Hakuin Ekaku.


Kazuka is 4-0 as a mixed martial artist, and 3-1 in TWGC.  He holds 3 first round submission victories over feeble competition, and the most notable victories of his career up to this date have been in grappling competition.  His armbar victory over MMA journeyman Hiroyuki Okamoto and the highlight of his career was the decision victory at the TWGC finals of the Tokyo qualifier over Jandre Vorster, the Australian brown belt sporting an 11-0 MMA record with 10 submissions.  Kazuka's next bout would end in a draw and he would lose to a coin toss, a most humiliating escape from the TWGC tournament he surely would have won.


"Metal Head" Shinichi  Fuujin

"Kazuka my son.  I expect you to follow grandmaster Ekaku's every command.  
Within his instruction, you will discover the ultimate recipe for success in the world of mixed martial arts."

Hakuin "Zen" Ekaku


" あなたが従うならば、私はつながります."


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