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CFA is Back

About Me: Anthony Jones

 With the return of the CFA Owner/President after a long break to complete his MBA. Anthony Jones has returned to the Arena and he has bought his business acumen with him. What other way to make a grand entrance then with an event. Anthony has secured a venue and Caged Rage 2: Redemption has been scheduled. If there are any CFA fans out there still remaining now is the time to run and get your tickets for this event. 

 We recently had an opportunity to sit down in the Cage and speak with Mr. Anthony Jones himself....


Mr Jones thank you for this opportunity to talk with you about your recent return and the CFA

Oh this is how it works, no need to thank me. I should be thanking you.

Sooo what happened? You was here, then poof! You was gone..... Now your back.

I had to take a brief leave of absence to finish my education. I know that was a little scary for my organization but hopefully I can bring my knowledge and savvy back to the MMA community and continue moving forward with plans. I lost a brother to the other world. He just couldn't juggle both and went with the lesser of the two evils. He will be missed but I have to drive on maybe I can get him back into fighter management again in the future. 

Congratulations! Sorry to hear about your brother, all though I was not familiar with him. We thought we lost another destined to be great manager that you have the potential to be to the other world.  That happens much to often around the sport. So let's talk about Caged Rage 2: Redemption. What can we expect?

Excitement! Excitement in each fight. I do my best at match making. The CFA is establishing a great relationship with Paddy O'Malleys Bar venue. The CFA is here to stay I am always talking to fighters about being a part of the CFA. Many are skeptical but I’m confident they will come around.

So when will the CFA fans see the vacant Champion slots in each weight class be secured. I mean you have to have a champion for the challengers to take down.

Funny you mentioned that, I’ve had a couple of managers already put their bid in for a title fight in their respective divisions. Just to give you a little insight I am in the process of putting an event together so the Champions can be crowned. I am letting most of my fighters out of their contract for now. I will just be managing my son If they want to come back in the future after CFA is primetime I may consider managing again. For now I am focusing my attention on CFA and making major changes to how business is done. While I was away finishing my MBA in the UK I had an opportunity to meet some great business men and women. Learned a lot and now I am ready for the next level.

I’m sure once the belts are handed out and the champs are crowned the CFA will have arrived. As we bring this short interview to an end, do you have anything you want to let the fans and or managers of fighters know?

Sure I do, I’m back.. the CFA is here for the long haul.. and if you are 269900 – 271300 and want to compete in a well balanced Fight Organization. Contact me and let’s work a contract out, we have a place for you. 

Well there you have it from the Owner and President of the CFA


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