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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper


Editorial by J J Tycooner

Dear readers,
As some of you may know i am JJ i have been one of the editors for the tycoon times for about 8 weeks now i hope everyone enjoys the tycoon times i have been doing my best to make sure the newspaper comes out at least two times a week.I hope that you will keep all the great interviews previews and reviews coming also the great fighter profiles any any other stuff that will be a good read the tycoon times newspaper is a ++ for the game i think there are some fine writers here.

If you have never did a story for the times whats the hold up? do a manger or fighter profile you will get 2 free spin and wins and a new mangers trophy if you have a org or  company  then submitting a story will give you a boost in hype nothing wrong with a lil boost ! keep the good stuff coming guys and i will make sure it gets out for everyone to read if you have any questions you can pm me or anyone on the Tycoon times staff

    .J.J Media (Tycooner)  


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