This was fight of 19 years old who never been beaten before. Dr Tork had recorded 6 wins and his opponent Carl Jamison had 5. Tork has a little bit advantages on Muay Thai and Wrestling while Jamison has a bit of BJJ and huge on Boxing. So the tactics for Tork should have to takedown then ground and pound while Jamison keeping him as stand up fighter and throwing punches from outside.
The fight was planned for 5 rounds and 5 minutes for each.
1st round was on feet round. Jamison dominated this round because he threw and landed many punches while circling away to avoid while Tork struggled to get inside with his punches and tried to take Jamison down.
2nd round was good in 1st minute and Jamison scored points from his hook and upper cut. Tork managed to take Jamison down in 2nd minute and tried to submit his opponent. 4 minutes played on ground and referee assumed there’s no need to order them to stand up!!! Spectators were boring because there weren’t many actions!!!
And again Tork managed ground fight in 3rd round before 1 minute. Luckily the ref ordered them to stand up because he thought there were no actions to tolerate him to keep on ground. And the fight lifted up with punches from both fighters although Tork still tried to takedown.
In round 4, Jamison scored with his jabs before Tork took him down. Many thanks to the ref because he ordered them to stand up before spectators get bored. And off course Jamison utilized his advantage and scored points from his punches. But Tork turned the fight down again with his takedown.
5th round? 5 minutes on ground and spammed with sub attempts. Sorry, spectators really didn’t like it.
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