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WC:24 Head Light Review

Event Review: WC:24 Head Light
Executioner FC
2015-05-30, New York, Liberty Dome
Attendance:5,195, Event Rating:235
Author:Heri Doank

 This event being held at New York Liberty Dome. Our main event is Skunk Asap vs Matt Porcelain Punisher who fought for super heavyweight champion title. And the co main event was for bantamweight championship. We have 10 matches and the dome is crowded by many spectators. I see the board announces that 5,194 tickets were sold. Damn, only left 56 seats unsold.


The MC is now announcing the 1st match. It’s Anthony Placencia (3-5-0) vs Aegor Rivers (0-0-0) in the featherweight division.


An inexperienced Rivers had cut Plancencia when the 1st bell rung  . What a good start. Then Rivers landed his jab and Plancencia responded with a nice takedown. Rivers was in trouble because his opponent is a brawler and sure he wants to improve his position but Placencia prevents him. Placencia throws some ground and pound from his guard but Rivers keeps moving to prevent any damage.

Oh noooo!!!! Placencia changes level now, he wants to submit Rivers by kimura. He did it. He makes Rivers tap. Just 1:39 on the time recorder.


Now MC is about announcing 2nd match. I see the board to check and it’s Dolores Doremus (1-1-0) vs Ian McCall (3-3-0) in the bantamweight division.


1st bell has been rung. McCall does score with a jab. He lost to score with combo. I can see Doremus is looking for takedown. McCall is punching from outside. Looked like he wants to keep the fight on feet. Many punches thrown by McCall but only few that landed. I’m pretty sure it will tire him.

A hook from Doremus has cut on McCall’s chin!!!

And Doremus takes McCall down!!!

McCall is in trouble now!!!

Doremus is looking to submit McCall but McCall defending well.

They keep moving for better position.

Doremus is now into side control. He is really trying to finish with submission.

He got it. His doing Americana now. And McCall forced to tap.

4:22 minutes on the time recorder.


I check the 3rd schedule. Welterweight, James Kresh (4-0-0) vs Dean Kane (2-0-0). We have 2 undefeated players here and MC introducing them now.


Bell rings. Kane lands a punch. Kresh moves in for takedown. An underhook by Kane push Kresh away and he continues with his punches.

Kresh fails again for takedown. No wonder he wants to fight on ground because his wrestling is better.

Uppercut from Kane. And landing his right hand. One hit Kresh’s chin. Kane keeps throwing his punches and scores here that make Kresh move out range.

Again punches from Kane. And Kresh still fails for takedown.

Kane is doing some combo. Nice jab from Kane and it makes Kresh rocked.

Kresh for takedown. And Kane relies with his right swing on the jaw.

Kresh is in trouble!!!!!

And Kane sees it!!!!

Huge uppercut from Kane!!!! And he follows with punches as Kresh goes down!!!!

Referee comes in to stop him giving more damage.

That’s 2:15 minutes.



4th match is now announced by MC. It is for welterweight division again. Aleksander Kawulski (4-0-0) vs Giacomo Ysengrin (2-0-0).


Bell for 1st round is rung.

Both fighter coming in.

They exchange punches.

Combo from Ysengrin and some landed.

Kawulski tries to clinch Ysengrin moves out range.

Looks like both fighters are cautious and being counter fighter.

Right hand from Ysengrin. And Kawulski counters with combos.

Kawulski closing the distance. And Ysengrin shoots takedown!!!

They’re looking for control and better position now.

Ground and pound from Ysengrin misses!!!

Referee orders them to stand up.

End of 1st round.


Now we’re entering round #2.

Jab to the nose from Kawulski countered with a hook by Ysengrin.

Kawulski clinches!!!!

Now they’re trading Muay Thai skill.

They’re battling for position.

Takedown from Kawulski!!!

Now they’re moving to control. A sweep from Ysengrin and now his on guard.

Ysengrin misses with ground and pound!!!

Kawulski wants a triangle!!! He fails!!!!

Bell is rung and that’s the end of 2nd round.


3rd round now.

Kawulski clinches!!!!

Kawulski is trying to control Ysengrin’s hands

Ysengrin is more aggressive doing with his hands but blocked by Kawulski.

Ysengrin fails with his takedown.

They keep punching from inside.

Ysengrin jumps guard. He falls!!! But Kawulski walks away!!!! Weird that he doesn’t follow.

They’re now exchange punches as boxer.

Kawulski lands a right hand.

Ysengring throws punches but miss.

And Kawulski clinches!!!!

A hook to head by Kawulski!!!!

Ysengrin fails with his takedown!!! And Kawulski pushes him away.

Now they’re circling and throwing punches. Both miss to score.

Big left hand from Kawulski!!! And again!!!!

Kawulski fails to takedown!!!! And Ysengrin replies  with a body shot!!!

Kawulski shoots to takedown!!! And he is now into side control!!! He misses his punch!!!

Ysengrin now in half guard position!!!!

Kawulski misses with his punch!!!!

Bell has rung to stop them!!!!

All judges score 29:28 for Kawulski. He wins by unanimous decision.

That’s a tight fight for sure!!!


Before I forget while waiting 5th match, I remind you that the event was sponsored by Big Bear Nutrition 160Q who has sponsored many fighters.


MC is now announcing the incoming fighters. Again, it’s for welterweight. Johnny Rock (6-4-0) vs Beast Boy (2-0-0).


Bell rings. We are entering 1st round.

Boy clinches!!!! And hit Rock’s head with a hook!!! Rock is cut!!!

Boy lands a knee to Rock body!!! He does again to the mid!!! That last one hurts Rock a lot for sure!!!

And uppercut!!! And hook!!!

Boy breaks the clinch???? I guess he doesn’t like the smelt from Rock’s armpits and wants to take fresh air. Hahahahaha!!!!

Oops, he clinches again!!!!

Shoulder strike!!!! An uppercut!!!! And Rock is not a rock because he is rocked now!!!!

Uppercut to the head!!!! And he lands with big right hand!!!!

Game over!!!! Rock falls asleep on mat!!!

Time shows 0:58. What a sensational finish from a young Boy!!!!!


6th match is announced. It is now for heavyweight between Ali Mouba (7-7-0) vs Marcos De Los Santos (3-0-0).


The bell is ringing!!!

Takedown by Mouba!!! And he throws strikes but not miss!!! Now he’s on half guard ready to punch again!!!

Santos looking for a guillotine!!!! He fails as Mouba pulls his head away!!!!

Santos now in full guard!!! Nice work!!!

Mouba misses his elbow!!!

Santos working for triangle now.

Ouch, Mouba hits the mat!!!! That’s hurt him I think!!!! And Santos sees his chance!!! He ups his leg and continue doing triangle!!!! He did it!!!!!

1:25 showed from time recorder. Great job!!!!!


It’s getting hot in here. We are 4 matches away from the main. Now the MC introducing fighters from bantamweight. Jensen Haye (4-1-0) vs Josh Miller (10-6-0).


The bell been rung, so we’re entering 1st round now!!!

Haye scores a jab. Nice kick to knee by Haye!!! I’m sure that hurts!

Miller fails with takedown!!!!

Leg kick by Haye and Miller counters with uppercut.

Haye lands body kick!!! Are Millers’s ribs broken???

I don’t think so because he replies with combos and get some!!! And Hayes responds back!!!

Miller tries to takedown!!!! Now they play on ground by the cage!!! Nice move from Haye, he’s now on his feet again!!!

Hayes misses with head kick. And he slips!!!

Miller punches with combos but miss.

Kick from Hayes lands to Miller’s leg. And he does again!!!

Miller misses takedown again!!!!

Haye lands a head kick!!!

Now they exchange punches and kicks.

Attendance looked entertained here. Good show!!!

Haye wants to clinch!!! Miller refuses him!!!

A leg kick from Haye landed before the bell ring!!!


2nd round bell has been rung!!!

Haye for a clinch!!! And Miller counters with his punch!!!

Haye lands his jab to the nose, and continues with body shot!!!

Miller blocks low kick. Kick again from Haye but miss!!! Miller counters with 1-2 and lands his second!!!

Haye misses with his kick. Again, Miles counters with his punches. And with kick!!! Nice show by Miller!!!

Straight punch from Haye lands to mid!!! And body kick!!! That’s got to be hurt!!!

Miller scores with punch combo!!!! And Haye replies with his back kick!!! What a good exchange!!!!

Haye clinches!!! He lands uppercut!!!

They exchange their Muay Thai. Haye looks superior here. He’s very aggressive and landing some knees. He does uppercut again!!!

Miller so much in pain!!! Miller wants to takedown!!! Haye refuses him!!!

Bell rings!!!

I think Miller is very happy because it saves him!!!


3rd round just started!!!

Haye lands his jab. Miller replies with left straight. And right hook. Nice combo!!!!

Haye misses with clinch!!!

Miller fails to takedown!!!

Haye lands his body punch.

I think they’re getting tire as the pace is slowing down!!!

They exchange kicks.

Miller down to the ground!!! There was an accident because referee stop the fight clock!!!! 5 minutes to recover.

Fight continues, and they’re keeping punching and kicking.

Accident again!!! But Miller recover faster.

Low kick landed by Haye. Miller misses head kick.

Bell rings!!! Round 3 has been ended!!!

All judges scored 30:27 for Hayes!!!!


8th match is being prepared. They’re from lightweight division. MC is now announcing the fighters.

Shoddy Body (10-7-0) vs Jordan Ellis (5-2-0).


Bell rings, we’re entering 1st round!!!!

Ellis lands a leg kick. And Body responses with takedown!!!!

Body is looking for submission!!! He wants to finish fast!!!!

Now he is trying RNC!!! He does it!!!! Game over in 1:18!!!!


We are waiting for co-main event now: WC bantamweight championship of the world!!!

The title holder Devin Jaqquard (9-2-0) vs Kusi Amuo (7-3-0)!!!


The bell for 1st round rings!!!

Amuo misses his combo punches!!!

Jaqquard counters with his punch!!! Amuo is cut!!! Jaqquard continues with his cross!!!

Amuo misses left hook!!!

Jaqquard counters again with right hand!!!! Amuo is rock!!! Jaqquard follows with big right!!! And left!!!!

Ended with hook make Amuo sleep!!!!

The time is 0:29. Great finish from Jaqquard and he retains the title!!!!


And now the main event we’ve been waiting for!!! WC Super Heavyweight Championship of the World!!!

Skunk Asap as the title holder vs Matt Porcelain Punisher!!!

The dome is very noisy because many attendance screaming and clapping!!!!

The front attendance stand up and look to the entrance to see their hotshots coming in!!!

Both fighters are now in the cage!

The MC is now introducing them!

Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 5 rounds, for the super heavyweight championship of the world!
Introducing the champion to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 14 wins, 5 losses and 0 draws, fighting out of New York, Skunk Asap!
And introducing the challenger to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 17 wins, 2 losses and 0 draws, fighting out of Rio de Janeiro, Matt Porcelain Punisher!
The judges for this bout are Jonathan Paton, Reed Andrews and Dean Styles. Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 5 rounds, for the super heavyweight championship of the world!
Introducing the champion to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 14 wins, 5 losses and 0 draws, fighting out of New York, Skunk Asap!
And introducing the challenger to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 17 wins, 2 losses and 0 draws, fighting out of Rio de Janeiro, Matt Porcelain Punisher!
The judges for this bout are Jonathan Paton, Reed Andrews and Dean Styles.


1st round bell is ringing!!!

Oh noo!!!! Asap knees to Punisher’s groin!!! That certainly hurts so much!!!! We must wait Punisher to recover.

Fight resumes!

Leg kick from Asap! And follow by body kick!!

Asap misses with body kick! Punisher counters and scores with 1-2!!

Asap misses his head kick and he receives a leg kick! And he pays back with leg kick!!

Asap scores leg kick again!

2 punches from Punisher miss! And he received uppercut!!

Asap lands 2 kicks! And Punisher pays with hook!!

They’re trading punches with kicks.

A big body kick from Asap lands to the ribs!!!

3 kicks from Asap landed!

Punisher misses his jabs! And Asap clinches!! And lands his knees to jaw!!!

Bell rings to stop them!!! Lucky Punisher!!!


2nd round bell has rung!!!

Asap scores with his kick, while Punishers misses many his punches.

They’re trading punches with kicks again.

Asap keeps kicking from outside while Punisher having difficulty to land his punches.

A hook from Asap misses. He land a body kick then. Miss with his back kick.

Nice leg kick from Asap. And his jab. Scores again with mid kick!

Asap is really dominating this round so far. While I don’t see Punisher scores with his punch.

That big body kick lands into ribs!!!

2nd round ends!!


Bell of 3rd round rings!!!

Nice leg kick by Asap! He makes Punisher falls!!

Asap scores his kicks again.

Punisher lands a right hand.

Asap is really damaging Punisher with his fake kicks. Punisher having no idea where it’s gonna land!

Nice combo from Punisher, making Asap moves outrange!

Punisher misses body kick. And Asap counter with body kick too. Again leg kick from Asap landed.

Really nice kick from Asap that lands to the ribs!!

Again a leg kick scores. Continued with miss head kick.

End of 3rd round!!


Round 4 has begun!!!

Asap misses head kick! Scores with body kick!

Punisher misses his jab.

Asap lands head kick!! And a leg kick!!

Nice kick combos from Asap!!! He really dominates with his kicks!!!

I think Punisher has no idea how to fight Asap!!! He receives many kicks that certainly hurt him!!!

A leg kick made Punisher off balance!!

A right hand from Punisher lands!!!

Again, combo kick from Asap scores!!!

4th round  ends!!!!


The bell rings to start 5th round!!!

Front kick from Asap and he continues with combo!!!

Punisher misses his uppercut! Asap counters with leg kick!!

Asap really annoying Punisher with his kicks!!

Asap off balance with his body kick!!! Punisher counters with the hook to the head!!!

Asap responses back with his leg kick!!! And again!!!

Asap keeps kicking his opponent to make him out of range!

The bell rings to stop the fight!!!


Ladies and gentlemen, after 5 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Jonathan Paton scores the fight 50:45
Judge Reed Andrews scores the fight 50:45
Judge Dean Styles scores the fight 50:45
In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Skunk Asap!
Skunk Asap retains his super heavyweight title!


The committee announces events awards

KO of The Night: Devin Jaqquard

Sub of The Night: Shoddy Body

Fight of The Night: Skunk Asap vs Matt Porcelain Punisher


Thank you and good night!


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