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The way of an Olympian

Fighter profile of Vlad Strelkov by Rain Thunder

Vlad "The Arrow" Strelkov is a Russian native that is currently competing on The Island under the banner of the best organisation in there - Solitude. The ferocious Lightweight was known for his achievements in Amateur boxing, as he had a record of 33-6-0 (20 KO) and represented Russia at 2012 London Olympic games. Vlad fought for the 3rd place in the Olympics, but during that fight he torn his bicep which lead to a horrible 3rd round in which he got his ribs broken with nasty body shots. The fight was called off and Vlad lost by TKO.

"The Olympic games was a big experience for me, never in my life have I been a part of something that big. It's just that the loss affected me mentally, and while recovering from my injury, I found myself passionate in MMA. I tried it out and it fit me perfectly, I was passionate about it and eager to go" - says Vlad.

After his loss in the Olympics, he has suffered a grueling loss in his MMA debut as well. Strelkov has dominated the fight from the clinch, but late in round 1, the opponent managed to pull guard and catch him in an Armbar. He says that he's learned from that experience and now he knows how dangerous can submissions be. He made some changes in his game and came back for another fight in which he looked fantastic, as he landed all 98 strikes he threw in the clinch. His opponent had a great chin and stayed standing, but staying up isn't enough to win.

After this win, Strelkov got a contract offer from Solitude. He accepted it immediately and got a fight offer against a Heavy Handed slugger Slade Wilson. Vlad managed to show off his boxing roots securing a beautiful KO win which got a KO of the night award. It was a magnificient performance and showcase of technique, as he connected with a perfect timed uppercut to send his opponent to the next week.

The Arrow says the he has big things to do here in The Island. His goal is to achieve dominance in the cage and it looks like he's going the right way. Next up he will face the #1 Lightweight Glorious Superior, and says that he will achieve dominance and make Superior crumble.


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