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Ozzy McKane interview

Fighter profile of Ozzy McKane by Chris Karter


P4P #1882
23 years old
3 KO - 5 SUB - 0 DEC

We're sitting down with the Irish prospect Ozzy McKane, coming fresh off his victory against Nick Bentner, how's your body holding up?  You look like you're in great shape, despite being cut open in your last fight you're looking like a fresh set of legs.

"Oi fale deadly, oi luk deadly, oi'm ready ter scrap."

You're coming off a submission of the night performance, how you feel about that?
"Oi love nicker. chicken's blow straight in de davy crockett."

Any plans in the future?
"Scrap, draink, scrap, draink, an' scrap sum more."

Any idea on your next opponent?

"I'll puk anybody in de bake if they pay me enoof."

Now let's ask some personal questions, about your background.  Where you from?
"Stoneybruk, in de 'eart av Dublin."
You got in a lot of fights growing up?
"T'be sure."

How old were you when you first got involved in Ireland's bare-knuckle boxing circuit?
"Thirteen years auld."


Is it true that you defeated "Cocky" Rocky McColgan in a bareknuckle boxing match?

"Yeah, we went at it in Wexford. Oi wus 16 years auld an' Rocky wus 19. Yer man wus de district champion on dat side av de islan'. Classic scrap. Slug fest. We went back an' forth an' yer man knocked me down but yer man got knackered an' oi eventually knocked 'imself oyt cowl."

You knocked him out?
"Oi caught 'imself wi' a jammy roi 'an' an' wus oyt."

Knocked Rocky McColgan out cold?

Do you think you can knock him out in an MMA fight?
"Absolutely. If oi couldn't oi wud submit 'imself. Yer man is lashings bigger though, lashings more muscle. Yer man 'as definitely belt de juice 'ard in recent years."

Now, on to your legal issues...  you were picked up by INTERPOL after your loss to Bosco Brown for trafficking tons of marijuana to Ireland.  It's been two years and the case was finally settled.  You were facing over 20 years in prison.  How do you feel about the decisions you made?
"So waaat, oi broot sum gimp ter de 'um lan', big dayle. A wee bit av marijuana across de pond never 'urt anybody. Oi wus 'elpin' people."

Does your infatuation with Medical Marijuana make the transition from Ireland to California that much easier?
"'Tis true so 'tis, oi love wha de gran' grass grows."

To be quite frank with you, and no disrespect intended, I haven't really understood a damn thing you've been saying to me.
"'You're a jackass, that's why."

Well that was pretty clear, and rude.

"'I'll show yer rude whaen oi bend yisser ma over de table in me kitchen an' feck 'er. i'll 'av her callin' me daddy."

Haha, good show.  Well ladies and gentleman, that was Ozzy McKane.  Entertaining as always.

"'Peace, love, an' drinkin'."


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